
Based Off: https://godoc.org/github.com/algorand/go-algorand-sdk

The Algorand golang SDK provides:

  • HTTP clients for the algod (agreement) and kmd (key management) APIs
  • Standalone functionality for interacting with the Algorand protocol, including transaction signing, message encoding, etc.


Until V specific documentation exists you may look at the go documentation on godoc.

Additional developer documentation and examples can be found on developer.algorand.org



demonstrates creating a new account (wallet & mnemonic) and submitting a transaction to the Algorand testnet

  • Setup an Algorand node (https://developer.algorand.org/docs/run-a-node/setup/install/)
  • You will choose a data directory when installing the default is ~/.algorand
  • Start your node goal node start -d ALGORAND_DATA_DIR
  • Replace algod_token in examples/basic_transaction.v with the contents of ALGORAND_DATA_DIR/algod.token
  • You may also change the destination address, amount to send (make sure its no more than 5 Algo) etc.
  • Install v msgpack module: v install msgpack
  • Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/joe-conigliaro/v-algorand-sdk algorand
  • Symlink the algorand module to ~/.vmodules: ln -s /full/path/to/algorand/src/algorand ~/.vmodules/algorand
  • You can now run examples/basic_transaction.v (it will walk you through submitting a transaction):
    • Run the example: v run algorand/examples/basic_transaction.v
    • Verify the transaction was submitted to testnet https://testnet.algoexplorer.io/tx/TRANSACTION_ID



Many features are not implemented yet. Rest assured this is being actively developed.