
Yet Another Logger

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Yet Another Logger


Yal is a logger that gives you a lot of control over how logging happens. Basically, yal is a structure you can plug logging tasks into, and it will run those tasks in the order it receives them.

Getting yal up and running is fairly trivial. After including yal in your application, you initialize it. Yal will return an object with a log method, and several convenience methods. Yal, itself, also has a few useful properties (see below for details).

var yalLog = require('yal-log');

// Initialize yal
var yal = yalLog({handlers: [handlerOne, handlerTwo]});
	// Yal returns a log object instance. Call the log method to run the logger.
    yal.log({message: 'Oops', title: 'Warn', level: logger.messageLevel.WARN});

Yal's convenience methods append a messageLevel to your log message, saving you a few keystrokes:

  • .error
  • .warn
  • .info

By necessity, the convenience methods impose some constraints on the type of log message you can pass to yal: You have to pass an object of some kind.


Yal manages logging internally in two steps:

  1. Run a log input through the logging provider.
  2. Pass the output of the logging provider to one or more log handlers.

A logging provider takes an input and produces a log entry. A log handler receives the output of a logging provider and does something with it. That something can be whatever you want it to be. Some common options are:

  • Writing the content to a server or database log using an API
  • Presenting a modal to the end user
  • Sending an alert to DevOps

Yal provides a default logging provider, but you can write your own. Yal has one default log handler, the consoleHandler, which writes log entries to the browser console. Yal also provides a few built-in convenience features:

  • attach to global, and
  • attach to console

attach to global: You can attach yal to the global window.onerror event, and it will capture all uncaught errors and run them through the logProvider. It does this without overwriting any existing functions assigned to window.onerror.

attach to console: You can tell yal to hijack the default console.xxx methods in the browser:

  • console.error
  • console.warn
  • console.info

If you choose this option, anything you send to a console method will run through the logger. This option preservs the integrity of the console methods.


$ npm install --save yal-log


Basic Usage

var yalLog = require('yal-log');

  // Sample log handler
  var handlerOne = function(logData, error){
    testSetOne.message = logData.message + '; setOne';
    testSetOne.error = error ? error.stack : '';
    testSetOne.level = logData.level;
  // Another sample log handler
  var handlerTwo = function(logData){
    testSetTwo.message = logData.message + '; setTwo';
    testSetTwo.level = logData.level;

// Initialize yal with the log handlers
var yal = yalLog({handlers: [handlerOne, handlerTwo]});
	// Yal returns a log object instance. Call the log method to run the logger.
    yal.log({message: 'Oops', title: 'Warn', level: logger.messageLevel.WARN});

Using yal with a Custom Log Provider

Yal's default log provider creates a log entry in the following format:

date: 2015-09-23T20:10:12+00:00 | level: WARN | message: Oops | stack_trace: {trace if there is one}

The default log provider is able to generate a stack trace if you provide the log entry with an instance of Error. To get an accurate stack trace, you must create the Error instance in the function where you are logging the issue. Below is an example:

// yal has already been initialized, as
// var yal = yalLog({handlers: [myHandler]});
function logMyError(){
   // Try to connect to my API
     // My Update Worked. Yay!!!
	 // Something went wrong, let's log this. We want a stack trace, so create
	 // a new error object, and pass it into yal.
	 yal.log(err.json, new Error());

If you want a different log format, you can write your own log provider. A ridiculously simple example of that is below:

  var mockLogProvider = function(logData, error){
    // Overwrites every log message with 'Mock Provider'
    logData.message = 'Mock Provider';
    return logData;

  var yal = yalLog({handlers: [setTwo], loggingProvider: mockLogProvider});

Using yal with the isGlobal and isConsole Options

 var yal = yalLog({handlers: [setTwo], isGlobal: true, isConsole: true});


Yal Methods and Properties

Name Type Description
yalLog function Initializes yal, and returns a yal instance. Note: The actual name is whatever variable name you use to require yal.
messageLevel enum Contains the three message level types: ERROR, WARN, and INFO.
defaultLogProvider function The defaultLogProvider.
consoleHandler function The consoleHandler.

Yal Initialization Options

When you initialize yal, you provide it with a configuration object. Valid properties of that configuration object are as follows:

Name Type Description
handlers array An array of log handler functions.
isGlobal boolean Whether yal should attach to window.onerror.
isConsole boolean Whether yal should attach to the console methods.
logProvider function Override the default log provider.


Yal is grateful for the assistance of:

  • moment, and
  • lodash


MIT © Joe Crick