
My personal local dev environment for work

Primary LanguageJsonnet


localenv is a Tanka environment made for running a development stack locally made for testing.


Docker Warning

If running Docker on Windows or macOS, you'll have to increase the RAM allocated to the VM to at least 4GB.

Getting Started

Run the following to create your cluster:

k3d create \
  --publish 8080:30080 \
  -v /tmp/local-path-provisioner/data/:/tmp/local-path-provisioner/data/

Then run cat $(k3d get-kubeconfig) to see the created kubeconfig file and manually merge its settings into your local $KUBECONFIG (defaults to ~/.kube/config).

Now run tk apply to provision the PVC controller:

tk apply environments/provision/localhost.default

Finally, apply the default environment:

tk apply environments/default/localhost.default

If you navigate to http://localhost:8080, you should see a landing page with all exposed services.

You can then apply any optional environments:

  • tk apply environments/cortex/localhost.cortex

Testing Images

Testing new images depends on a deployment already existing and a Docker container being built.

After building a Docker container, deploy to the k3d cluster using k3d import-images <image_name>. This will move all image tags for the given name to the cluster.

If not already overriden, change the image being used for the appropriate services to the latest tag and

Then override the image name the cluster is using to the latest tag. Finally, any time you want to test a new image, run kubectl rollout restart <resource> to rolling restart the appropriate resources.

Example with Cortex

From Cortex, run the following:

# Builds localenv/cortex:latest
$ BUILD_IMAGE=quay.io/cortexproject/build-image IMAGE_PREFIX=localenv/ make all

# Import the new images into the cluster
$ k3d import-images localenv/cortex

# Restart all Cortex deployments
$ kubectl -ncortex rollout restart \
  deployment/ingester \
  deployment/querier \