
[ruby, oop, quick]

Primary LanguageRuby



  1. Fork and clone (remember to clone YOUR fork).
  2. Run bundle install.
  3. Run rspec to see what code answers our specs. You will find that to be... not much. :)


  • Work in the lib/scrabble_word.rb file

  • If you've never played the game Scrabble before, you may want to ask your neighbor about the rules of the game and how words are scored.

  • Define a class named ScrabbleWord with an initialize method that takes one argument, word, and stores it in an instance variable @word.

  • Write a "getter" for this instance variable @word that returns the word as a lowercase string.

  1. Define a method .score that returns the scrabble score of the word.

  2. Define a method .multiplier_score that takes a multiplier as an argument and returns a multiplied value of the score. (Think double or triple word score.)

Here are the letter values. Think about how you might put this data in a usable format for your methods above.

  a : 1, b : 3, c : 3, d : 2, e : 1,
  f : 4, g : 2, h : 4, i : 1, j : 8,
  k : 5, l : 1, m : 3, n : 1, o : 1,
  p : 3, q : 10, r : 1, s : 1, t : 1,
  u : 1, v : 4, w : 4, x : 8, y : 4,
  z : 10


  • Run RSpec to test your code. To run it, type rspec into your terminal in the current directory (the one where you can see the lib and spec folders)
  • Fix any errors that come up. Once you are seeing all green text, try to refactor your methods to make them clearer / more concise. Re-run rspec to make sure your code still works.


Submit a pull request with your current progress. Include your Completeness (1-5) and Comfort (1-5). We recommend you include your pseudo code, comments, and descriptions of areas where you add difficulty.


  • Tinker around with the spec/scrabble_spec.rb file and try different test cases.