
Signup form for an imaginary guitar education platform.

Primary LanguageHTML

Signup Form

This project is an exercise in building a basic signup form. I created an imaginary service called "Acoustic Academy". See guidelines here: Signup Form Guidelines

Technologies used

    • Flexbox
    • Positioning (relative and absolute)
    • Pseudo classes
    • Forms
    • HTML5 form validation
  • JavaScript
    • Event listener listens for form submission. Checks if password.value === passwordConfirmation.value
    • If they don't match, prevent form submission and add an error class to each. Remove 'hidden' class from password error message element.
    • Attach event listener to password and password confirmation inputs. On 'keyup', if password is valid, add success class, else remove.
    • I only wanted a "valid" indicator on the password fields, so I chose to manually add the classes with JS vs using the :valid CSS pseudo-selector.