concrete5.7 package with Foundation for Sites frontend

What you get:

A concrete 5 package ready to install containing

*   V-Card block
*	Templates for the autonav block (core)
	- breadcrumbs 
	- list without bullets
	- top bar
	- off canvas
	- top bar and off canvas (topbar on large, off canvas on medium and small)
	- side nav templates (one aligning left, the other right)
*	Call to action template for content block (core) 
*	Flex video template for YouTube block (core)
*	Forms template for form block (core)
* 	Button postfix template for search block (core)

File Attributes used:

*  'Description' for showing captions


  • make the clearing_lightbox block working (branch 'clearing')
  • install is_featured attribute for files (optional for clearing lightbox)
  • gulp browser-sync is broken

Working with the package

  • In packages/foundation_sites/themes/foundation_sites execute bower install
  • execute bundle (only once)
  • compile the stylesheet with bundle exec compass watch

Foundation docs


This package is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

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