
Embed the Umami analytics library into Nuxt as `this.$umami`

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nuxt Umami Module

Wrapper around the Umami Analytics package, exposed to your app as this.$umami


Install with npm

  npm install nuxt-umami-module

Or with yarn

  yarn add nuxt-umami-module


Add the module to nuxt.config.js:

  modules: [
    ['nuxt-umami-module', { 
        autoTrack: true,
        doNotTrack: false,
        cache: false,
        domains: 'mywebsite.com,mywebsite2.com',
        websiteId: 'your-website-id',
        scriptUrl: 'https://path.to.umami.js',

Only websiteId and scriptUrl are mandatory. See the Umami docs for more explanation of these options.


In a component

// Sends an event with an event type of custom.
this.$umami('Signup button click')

// track a custom event with an event type of "signup"
// this.$umami.trackEvent(event_value, event_type, [url], [website_id])
this.$umami.trackEvent('Signup button click', 'signup')

// track a page view
this.$umami.trackView(url, [referrer], [website_id])

in asyncData, or middleware etc, you can use $umami from Nuxt context, for example:

export default ({ route, $umami }) => {

All functions defined in the Umami docs are available, so read them for more info