
Theme created for personal use & recommended for EnhancedDiscord users.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

EnhancedDiscord Theme

A theme created for EnhancedDiscord. The goal behind it is to add some custom colors, a background and a few other improvements over the vanilla theme. If used with an up-to-date version of ED, there will be a "Theme Settings" tab to customize it. Otherwise, you can use variables (see below.)


See the first few lines of the theme for a list of CSS variables used in this theme.

To use this theme, import it with

@import url(https://enhanceddiscord.com/theme.css);

This will fetch the latest version from this repo (with a Content-Type: text/css header that allows it to load normally.)

CSS Updater

The CSS Updater plugin (css_updater.js) can find outdated or flawed class names in this theme using the included comments for finding classes via webpack modules. It's intended for development/debugging and has no purpose for most users.