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An implementation of google place api

Getting started

API key

To get api key, follow instruction here

Places api types

types description
Find Place takes a text input and returns a place.
Nearby Search lets you search for places within a specified area.
Text Search returns information about a set of places based on a string — for example "pizza in New York" or "shoe stores near Ottawa" or "123 Main Street".
Place Details Return detailed information about a specific place, including user reviews.
Place Photos gives you access to the millions of Place related photos stored in Google's Place database.
Place Autocomplete can be used to automatically fill in the name and/or address of a place as you type.
Query Autocomplete can be used to provide a query prediction service for text-based geographic searches, by returning suggested queries as you type.


all places requests returns Future that means you need to use await/async.

Each will returns corresponding response!

Find Place

Find Place requires 'key', 'input' and 'inputtype' as default parameter.

'inputtype' must be either textquery or phonenumber.

for more parameters, check out here

//request returns corresponding response
FindPlaceResponse response = await FindPlaceRequest(
 input: 'YOUT_INPUT_HERE',
 inputType: 'Either textquery or phonenumber'

print(response.toString());//will print response as json format

Nearby Search

Nearby Search requires 'key', 'location' and 'radius' as default parameter.

For more parameters, check out here

//request returns corresponding response
NearbySearchResponse response = await NeaerbySearchRequest(
 location: 'YOUT_LOCATION',

print(response.toString());//will print response as json format

Text Search

Text Search requires 'key' and 'query' as default parameter.

For more parameters, check out here

//request returns corresponding response
TextSearechResponse response = await TextSearchRequest(
 query: 'YOUR_QUERY',

print(response.toString());//will print response as json format

Place Details

Details requires 'key' and 'place_id' as default parameter.

For more parameters, check out here

//request returns corresponding response
PlaceDetailsResponse response = await PlaceDetailsRequest(
 placeId: 'PLACE_ID'

print(response.toString());//will print response as json format

Place Photo

place photo directly returns image of request. So if you want to use image in flutter with this package, there are two ways:

  1. use url with
  2. use bytes result with Image.memory

here is example of 1)

//this will extract url to get photo
String photoUrl = PlacePhotoRequest(
 photoRefernce: 'PHOTO_REFERENCE_HERE'
 maxHeight: 400, //this value should be in 1~1600, default is 1600
 maxWidth: 400, //this value should be in 1~1600, default is 1600

/*---------In Widget-------------*/;

and here is example of 2)

//this will return place photo response object
//PlacePhotoResponse only has one parameter : imageBytes
//use imageBytes in Image.memory!

PlacePhotoResponse reponse = await PlacePhotoRequest(
 photoRefernce: 'PHOTO_REFERENCE_HERE'
 maxHeight: 400, //this value should be in 1~1600, default is 1600
 maxWidth: 400, //this value should be in 1~1600, default is 1600

/*---------In Widget-------------*/

Place Autocomplete

autocomplete requires 'input' and 'key' as default parameter

For more parameters, check out here

//request returns corresponding response
PlaceAutocompleteResponse response = await PlaceAutocompleteRequest(
 input: 'YOUR_INPUT'

print(response.toStirng());//will print response as json format

Query Autocomplete

query autocomplete requires 'input' and 'key' as default parameter.

For more parameters, check out here

//request returns corresponding response
QueryAutocompleteResponse response = await QueryAutocompleteRequest(
 input: 'YOUR_INPUT'

print(response.toStirng());//will print response as json format