
Duplicate ucp commands

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Downloaded the pre-compiled v0.3 binary and when running ./diver I can see duplicative entries for ucp:

This tool uses the native APIs to "dive" into Docker EE

  diver [command]

Available Commands:
  dtr         Docker Trusted Registry
  help        Help about any command
  store       Docker Store
  ucp         Universal Control Plane 
  ucp         Universal Control Plane             <---
  version     Version and Release information about the diver tool

  -h, --help           help for diver
      --logLevel int   Set the logging level [0=panic, 3=warning, 5=debug] (default 4)

Use "diver [command] --help" for more information about a command.

asciinema link

Version: 0.3
Build: 09bdb07f0d66936e873a10d541d3d6d117d9958b

Whoops, fixed in #117