- 1
Upload cve dB
#134 opened by phulei - 0
use support dump filename provided by ucp api
#133 opened by trapier - 0
Vendor needs updating
#131 opened by thebsdbox - 2
Migrate repository to Docker/diver
#128 opened by thebsdbox - 7
Add env vars for username / password
#125 opened by johnharris85 - 1
Typo on
#127 opened by thebsdbox - 0
Ability to modify capacity map for DTR
#126 opened by johnharris85 - 1
Smart (API-based) Backup / Restore
#124 opened by johnharris85 - 0
UCP: auth using client bundle
#105 opened by thebsdbox - 0
Version Handling
#106 opened by johnharris85 - 0
UCP: LDAP configuration
#119 opened by thebsdbox - 0
UCP: Export existing service to compose file
#86 opened by thebsdbox - 2
- 1
- 2
UCP: reattach containers to an overlay network
#97 opened by thebsdbox - 1
- 1
DTR: Webhooks functionality
#67 opened by thebsdbox - 0
DTR: Webhook listner
#68 opened by thebsdbox - 0
UCP: Service improvements
#79 opened by thebsdbox - 0
- 3
Enable Color
#85 opened by gitcoleman - 1
Which UCP Environment?
#83 opened by gitcoleman - 0
Consistent build environments with Docker
#84 opened by thebsdbox - 1
UCP: Containers
#49 opened by thebsdbox - 0
DTR: Repositories
#50 opened by thebsdbox - 1
DTR: Determine Node -> Replica
#51 opened by thebsdbox - 1
UCP: Nodes
#55 opened by thebsdbox - 0
UCP: Service Endpoints
#54 opened by thebsdbox - 0
UCP: Export
#48 opened by thebsdbox - 2
UCP: Teams
#46 opened by thebsdbox - 1
UCP: Collections
#47 opened by thebsdbox - 0
STORE: Bug retrieving subs with no `--id`
#64 opened by thebsdbox - 1
UCP: Collections add Default for users
#63 opened by thebsdbox - 4
- 2
DIVER: Consistent verb use in the cli
#35 opened by thebsdbox - 2
Inconsistent logging through all commands.
#40 opened by thebsdbox - 1
Duplicate ucp commands
#116 opened by stevenfollis - 0
UCP: Service redeploy/rebalance
#113 opened by thebsdbox - 2
DIVER: Use tabwriter to fix unreadable output
#34 opened by thebsdbox - 9
UCP service health
#108 opened by gitcoleman - 2
- 1
Store: Support downloading CVE Database
#90 opened by johnharris85