
UCP Internal Error: Ubuntu 16.04 on Azure running EE 17.06 (UCP 2.2.10)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

19:16:09 fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "diver ucp login --username \"admin\" --password \"XXXXXXXXXXXX\" --url \"https://XX.XX.XX.XX\" --ignorecert", "delta": "0:00:00.719360", "end": "2018-07-15 19:16:08.840696", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2018-07-15 19:16:08.121336", "stderr": "time=\"2018-07-15T19:16:08Z\" level=fatal msg=\"{\\\"message\\\":\\\"unable to login user on auth provider: API Errors: [\\\\\\\"INTERNAL_ERROR: An internal server error occurred. Contact a system administrator for more information. - Detail: map[requestID:ecab3899-4594-4410-a18d-8afed7153e95]\\\\\\\"]\\\"}\\n\"", "stderr_lines": ["time=\"2018-07-15T19:16:08Z\" level=fatal msg=\"{\\\"message\\\":\\\"unable to login user on auth provider: API Errors: [\\\\\\\"INTERNAL_ERROR: An internal server error occurred. Contact a system administrator for more information. - Detail: map[requestID:ecab3899-4594-4410-a18d-8afed7153e95]\\\\\\\"]\\\"}\\n\""], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

LMK if you want help repro'ing... this seems like it happens randomly with DCI

(As in ... ran this exact same test three hours ago and it worked fine)

To me this looks as though UCP hasn't fully come up when the login attempt has been made. Can you provide any more info?

@joeabbey did you have the opportunity to determine any more details around this?

I suspect that was the case. I haven’t seen this happen in awhile. I’ll reopen if I do. 👍