
The testnets repo for the Juno Blockchain.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Junø - Uni Testnet

If you wish to participate in Attack on Testnet please check out: Attack on Testnet

If you're interested in earning more Juno, check out Hack Juno or consider running a mainnet validator.

The plan for this test will be to practice a simulated upgrade as well as test the latest Juno binary (which will include the latest CosmWasm). As such, we will start the testnet with the same v1.0.0 version as mainnet.

Genesis File

Genesis File:

   curl -s  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CosmosContracts/testnets/main/uni/genesis.json >~/.juno/config/genesis.json

Genesis sha256

sha256sum ~/.juno/config/genesis.json

junod version

$ junod version --long
name: juno
server_name: junod
version: HEAD-e507450f2e20aa4017e046bd24a7d8f1d3ca437a
commit: e507450f2e20aa4017e046bd24a7d8f1d3ca437a

Seed nodes

Full seed nodes list.



Prerequisites: Make sure to have Golang >=1.17.

Build from source

You need to ensure your gopath configuration is correct. If the following 'make' step does not work then you might have to add these lines to your .profile or .zshrc in the users home folder:

export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GO111MODULE=on
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin
git clone https://github.com/CosmosContracts/juno
cd juno
git checkout v1.0.0
make build && make install

This will build and install junod binary into $GOBIN.

Note: When building from source, it is important to have your $GOPATH set correctly. When in doubt, the following should do:

mkdir ~/go
export GOPATH=~/go

Check that you have the right Juno version installed:

$ junod version --long
name: juno
server_name: junod
version: HEAD-e507450f2e20aa4017e046bd24a7d8f1d3ca437a
commit: e507450f2e20aa4017e046bd24a7d8f1d3ca437a

Minimum hardware requirements

  • 2GB RAM
  • 100GB of disk space
  • 1.4 GHz amd64 CPU

Setup validator node

Below are the instructions to generate & submit your genesis transaction

Generate genesis transaction (gentx)

  1. Initialize the Juno directories and create the local genesis file with the correct chain-id:

    junod init <moniker-name> --chain-id=uni
  2. Create a local key pair:

    > junod keys add <key-name>
  3. Add your account to your local genesis file with a given amount and the key you just created. Use only 10000000000ujunox, other amounts will be ignored.

    junod add-genesis-account $(junod keys show <key-name> -a) 10000000000ujunox
  4. Create the gentx, use only 9000000000ujunox:

    junod gentx <key-name> 9000000000ujunox --chain-id=uni

    If all goes well, you will see a message similar to the following:

    Genesis transaction written to "/home/user/.juno/config/gentx/gentx-******.json"

Submit genesis transaction

  • Fork the testnets repo into your Github account

  • Clone your repo using

    git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/testnets
  • Copy the generated gentx json file to <repo_path>/uni/gentx/

    > cd testnets
    > cp ~/.juno/config/gentx/gentx*.json ./uni/gentx/
  • Commit and push to your repo

  • Create a PR onto https://github.com/CosmosContracts/testnets

  • Only PRs from individuals / groups with a history successfully running nodes will be accepted. This is to ensure the network successfully starts on time.

Running in production

Note, we'll be going through some upgrades for this testnet. Consider using Cosmovisor to make your life easier. Setting up Cosmovisor is covered in the Juno Documentation.

Download Genesis file when the time is right. Put it in your /home/<user>/.juno folder.

Create a systemd file for your Juno service:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/junod.service

Copy and paste the following and update <YOUR_USERNAME> and <CHAIN_ID>:

Description=Juno daemon

ExecStart=/home/<YOUR_USERNAME>/go/bin/junod start --p2p.laddr tcp:// --home /home/<YOUR_USERNAME>/.juno


2 This assumes $HOME/go to be your Go workspace, and $HOME/.juno to be your directory for config and data. Your actual directory locations may vary.

Enable and start the new service:

sudo systemctl enable junod
sudo systemctl start junod

Check status:

junod status

Check logs:

journalctl -u junod -f

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