
A Rubik's Cube solving robot - in Ruby!

Primary LanguageRuby

Rubyik's Cube

This repository encapsulates the Rubyik's Cube project itself. The repository is broken into a few parts which are detailed below.

This project is a work in progress! Everything is still under active development and will thus be sub-optimal


Web Frontend

The 'assets' and 'src' directory hold the web frontend for emulating solving a Rubik's Cube. The frontend is written using React.js and Redux. Cube visualization is powered by a project called Roofpig. Random cube generation is powered by cubejs

To get started, run yarn install and then yarn start. Open localhost:8080. Note you'll also need to have the websocket server running as well.

WebSocket Server

Super simple em-websocket based solving server. Takes random cube state string in and runs it through a solver. The socket response will contain the computation time and the solution string.

You use it, you'll need to make sure you have run bundle install. From there, run ruby lib/rubyiks_cube/server.rb.

Cube Detector

This lives under the scripts directory. This is the under-development OpenCV based facelet detection code.

To run, make sure you've installed OpenCV v2:

  # MacOS w/ Homebrew
  brew install opencv@2

I had to also set a bundle config setting with the Homebrew OpenCV directory:

  bundle config build.ruby-opencv "--with-opencv-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/opencv@2/"

From there, run bundle install. You can then ruby scripts/cube_detector.rb. A window will come up with one of the cube fixture files and the associated detection.

scripts/cube_detector/detector.rb is loaded dynamically during development via the listen gem.


This directory holds STL files for the under-development parts of the Rubik's Cube robot.

Gear Mount

This part is designed to fit onto an Acrobotics 6mm mount and will hold this worm/worm gear combination on a 6mm shaft.


This is the under-development scissor gripper

Gear Drill Jig

A simple holder for the gears to make it easier to drill a 3.5mm hole into the face

Other aspects