
This repo contains an example SQL database and using Python to answer questions.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This text file was sent from a SQL assignment for a data analyst role. The text file includes an explanation of the sqlite database that was sent and the questions that need to be answered.

Answers to the asignment can be found in the notebook.

SQL Problem

This question will test some basic knowledge of SQL. The first four questions should not take more than an hour to complete.

Description of Tables

There are three tables involved in this question: transactions, segments and products, which simulate a simplified retail data schema. Here is a semantic description of the tables:

  1. transactions: contains detailed information about each product a customer has purchased. A transaction consists of one or more products purchased by a customer indexed by a unique transaction id.
    • trans_id: the transaction id
    • cust_id: the customer id
    • prod_id: the product id
    • item_qty: the quantity of the product that is being purchased
    • item_price: the per unit price of the product (NOTE: the total revenue for a product is item_qty * item_price)
  2. products: contains detailed attributes about each product.
    • prod_id: the product id (same meaning as in transactions)
    • prod_name: the product name
    • brand: the brand of the product
    • category: the category of the product
  3. segments: contains a history of customer segmentation labelling for each customer. Segments are computed periodically for all current customers and appended to the table after each computation. The current (most up to date) active segment for each customer is specified by active_flag = 'Y' column.
    • cust_id: the customer id (same meaning as in transactions)
    • seg_name: the segment of this customer
    • update_dt: the date when this segment was updated
    • active_flag: whether or not this segment is the active segment for this customer

Sample Database

Included is a sample SQLite3 database for the above tables named sample.db. Please refer to https://www.sqlite.org/download.html to download command-line tools so you can run your queries against the sample data.


Please provide the SQL for each one of these questions. If there is not enough information given, please make a reasonable assumption and we can discuss it in the in-person interview. Please document any assumptions you’ve made in the comments of each solution and include any additional queries you ran to validate that they are reasonable.

  1. Find the current active segment for each customer sorted by the segment update date. The output should contain three columns: cust_id, seg_name, updated_at. Here is some sample output:

     cust_id     seg_name        updated_at
     4402        LAPSED          2014-06-01 00:00:00
     11248       ONE-OFFS        2015-10-01 00:00:00
  2. For each product purchased between Jan 2016 and May 2016 (inclusive), find the number of distinct transactions. The output should contain prod_id, prod_name and distinct transaction columns. Here is some sample output:

     prod_id     prod_name       count
     199922      Product 199922  1
     207344      Product 207344  1
     209732      Product 209732  1
  3. Find the most recent segment of each customer as of 2016-03-01. Hint: You cannot simply use active_flag since that is as of the current date not 2016-03-01. The output should contain the cust_id, seg_name and update_at columns and should have at most one row per customer. Here is some sample output:

    cust_id  seg_name    update_at
    4402     ONE-OFFS    2016-02-01 00:00:00
    11248    LOYAL       2016-02-01 00:00:00
    126169   ONE-OFFS    2015-03-01 00:00:00
  4. Find the most popular category (by revenue) for each active segment. Hint: The current (most up to date) active segment is specified by active_flag = 'Y' column in the segments table. Here is the some sample output:

    seg_name category revenue INFREQUENT Women 20264

  5. Use the current sample database to find insights. Please document your steps, include any code/documents you used (Excel, SQL, Python, etc), and have the final results in a Powerpoint format (limit 3 slides) Hint: This is open ended, but you could look at sales trend, category insights, customers insights