
Packer OS Image Builder for Vagrant, VMware, KVM, VirtualBox, Cloud with Ansible

Primary LanguageRuby

OS Image Builder

Images on: https://app.vagrantup.com/cmihai Ansible scripts at: https://github.com/crivetimihai/ansible-rhel-8

  • Packer builds base OS images (RHEL/Fedora) from Kickstart and outputs VirtualBox/Vagrant Box/KVM/VMware images.
  • Vagrant calls Ansible scripts to perform post-provisioning tasks.

Currently supports Vagrant box and images (VirtualBox, VMware and KVM) for RHEL 8, CentOS 7, Fedora 30, Ubuntu 18.04, Alpine 3.10.


  1. Download installation media to ../iso.
  2. Install packer and vagrant.
  3. Optionally, install ansible. Builds are designed to use ansible-local, but you can change to use ansible in Vagrantfile.

Build commands

# Parallel builds
make clean
make -j 10 libvirt vmware; make -j 5 virtualbox

Packer and Vagrant

packer build fedora30base.json    # Build a Fedora 30 image manually
vagrant box list                  # List current boxes
vagrant box remove fedora 30      # Cleanup old box
vagrant box add --name fedora30 builds/virtualbox-fedora30.box # Add the new box
vagrant init fedora30             # Init the box. Creates a Vagrantfile you can edit.
vagrant up                        # Start the box
vagrant provision                 # Run ansible scripts, etc.
vagrant destroy                   # Destroy the vm


# Firewall: VMware builds fail. Add a rule to allow your VM to connect and retrieve the ks file
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public \
    --add-rich-rule 'rule family="ipv4" source address= accept'

# Existing VMs preventing new builds
rm -rf ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/virtualbox-centos-7-base/


  1. Merge multiple builders
  2. Cloud image support
  3. CI/CD build
  4. Post-base image scripts (ansible)
  5. Create image-builder script (generates toml configuration, can add new OS support, downloads initial ISO images)

Add Images

  • Debian
  • CoreOS
  • SuSE
  • OpenBSD
  • Raspbian


  1. Fix broken build vmware-ubuntu-18.04-base
  2. Add iso_download_url variables to all images
  3. Fix parallel builds: when VirtualBox is running, KVM qemu won't run https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1277744
