
.Net Core library for Yandex Object Storage S3 API (

Nuget Package - AspNetCore.Yandex.ObjectStorage

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How to use

To inject service user extension method AddYandexObjectStorage to IServiceCollection

services.AddYandexObjectStorage(options =>
  options.BucketName = "bucketName";
  options.AccessKey = "your-access-key";
  options.SecretKey = "your-secret-key";


Can load options from IConfiguratiuonRoot as: services.AddYandexObjectStorage(Configuration); by default, it reads a section with the name YandexObjectStorage, for example, the section in appsettings.json below:

"YandexObjectStorage" : {
    "Bucket" : "your-bucket",
    "AccessKey" : "your-access-key",
    "SecretKey" : "your-secret-key",
    "Protocol" : "http"

Options is a YandexStorageOptions class. It provides access to setup next properties:

string Protocol - by default -> "https"
string BucketName
string Location - by default -> "us-east-1"
string Endpoint - by default -> ""
string AccessKey
string SecretKey