Professional Partnerships

Technology Stack

The project is built using:


Visual Studio 2017

The free Community edition of Visual Studio 2017 needs to be installed. You can find the installer here.. When you install Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition, be sure to select the following components:

  • and web development
  • Node.js development

Visual Studio for Mac

The free Community edition of Visual Studio for Mac also seems to work. Make sure to install the .NET Core componennts.


The application pulls the database connection string from an environment variable. You will need to create an environment variable called (using the correct DB credentials) ConnectionStrings:PartnershipsDatabase with the value;Database=Partnerships;User Id=USER_ID_GOES_HERE;Password='PASSWORD_GOES_HERE'

Using Entity Framework to Generate Model Classes

Entity Frame is able to generate the model classes necessary to communicate with the database.

  • Open up the Package Manager Console in VS2017 (Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console)
  • Make sure ProfessionalPartnerships.Data is selected in the Default Project Dropdown
  • Enter this command (using the correct DB credentials): Scaffold-DbContext ";Database=Partnerships;User Id=USER_ID_GOES_HERE;Password='PASSWORD_GOES_HERE'" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models -Force