
A setup for Jekyll to publish a podcast feed to iTunes.

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Jekyll Podcast Feed

You can use this feed to host a podcast at iTunes. This setup requires a number of settings in both the main site YAML and each posts YAML. I recommend setting up your server to rewrite index.xml files as a directory index. This makes it possible to use this: http://example.com/feed/podcast

To see an example of this feed in action, here are a few links:

My Jekyll generated site: http://joebuhlig.com

Podcast episode page: http://joebuhlig.com/whaddyaknowjoe/

Podcast feed: http://joebuhlig.com/feed/podcast

You can validate and submit your podcast feed for iTunes submission here:


Example Site Configuration

This setup requires a number of settings in your _config.yml file. To see how each of these are used, you can look through the index.xml file of this repo.

podcast_url: http://www.joebuhlig.com/whaddyaknowjoe
podcast_album_art: /assets/base/Whaddya-Know-Joe-Album-Art.png
podcast_title: Whaddya Know Joe?
podcast_owner: Joe Buhlig
podcast_email: email@example.com
podcast_category: Technology
podcast_subcategory_one: Software How-To
podcast_subcategory_two: Gadgets
podcast_explicit: "no"
podcast_author: Joe Buhlig
podcast_description: Productivity stories from the trenches. What works and what I'll never do again. Hosted by Joe Buhlig.
podcast_summary: Joe Buhlig walks you through real life story and then breaks down the productivity tools and techniques used. It's a great way to learn how to implement the tips and tricks that you see across the web. Productivity stories from the trenches. What works and what to never try.
podcast_subtitle: Productivity stories from the trenches. What works and what I'll never do again. Hosted by Joe Buhlig.

Note: podcast_album_art is required to be a square image between 1400x1400px and 3000x3000px.

Example Post YAML

You can choose to include a specific GUID on a podcast episode by including the "podcast_guid" setting for the post. This is helpful when migrating from a different hosting service. This is what allowed me to move mine from WordPress to Jekyll. It's not required and I usually leave it off.

title:  "Episode Title Goes Here"
date:   2015-10-20
categories: podcast
- tagone
- tagtwo
- tagthree
permalink: /35/
image: /assets/posts/Awesome-Podcast-Art.jpg
podcast_link: http://traffic.libsyn.com/podcast/filename.mp3
podcast_file_size: 13.7 MB
podcast_duration: "14:02"
podcast_length: 13654375
podcast_guid: ?p=866

podcast_length is the size of your podcast_link file in bytes.