
An object oriented wrapper around PHP's built-in server.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Statix Server

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  • PHP 8 minumum


composer require statix/server

Basic Usage

To get started, ensure the vendor autoload script is required and then create an instance of the Server class, once you have set any configuration options, you should call the start method to start the server.

use Statix\Server\Server;

require_once './vendor/autoload.php';


// or 

(new Server)->start();

Advanced Usage

You can configure the several options with the server, such as the host, the port, the root directory and more. Please read more below for a detailed explanation of each configuration method.

Passing configuration via the constructor or Server::new()

You may pass most configuration options via the constructor. For example we are setting the host, port and root options in the code below.

use Statix\Server\Server;

    'host' => 'localhost',
    'port' => 8000,
    'root' => __DIR__ . '/content'

// or 

new Server([
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'port' => 8000,
    'root' => __DIR__ . '/content'

The complete list of configuration items that can be passed via the constructor can be found below.

$optionsSettableViaContructor = [
    'host' => 'string', // default: localhost
    'port' => 'string|int', // default: 8000
    'root' => 'string', // default: getcwd()
    'router' => 'string', // path to your routing script
    'executable' => 'string', // path to the desired PHP binary to use for the server
    'withEnvVars' => [
        'APP_DYNAMIC_ENV' => 'server'
    'withoutEnvVars' => [ 

Setting configuration via the named methods

You also have the option of calling named methods to set the configuration options as shown below.

use Statix\Server\Server;

        'APP_DYNAMIC_ENV' => 'server'

Capturing the output from the server process

If you want to show the output from the server process as it recieves and handles requests, you may call the output method and pass a callback function that will be called and passed any output of the process.

    ->output(function($output) {
        echo $output;

Running the process in the background

You may find it useful to run the server process in the background, you may call runInBackground(). The process will run as long as the parent script is running.


Checking whether the process is running

You may check whether or not the server is currently running by calling the isRunning method.

$server = Server::new()->withEnvVars([
    'APP_NAME' => 'statix/server',

$server->isRunning(); // false


$server->isRunning(); // true

Stopping the server

You may stop the process running the sever by calling the stop command on an instance of the server class. If the server is not currently running this method will return null otherwise it will return an array container first the process exit code and second the process exit text. Note this command can only be called when the server is running in the background.

$server = Server::new()->runInBackground();

// do work




  1. Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/statix-php/server.git
  1. Install php dependencies
composer install


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