This will be a short tutorial to show you how to create SlackBots. The SlackBot will listen to a particular Slack channel and preform actions if specific statements are made in the chat.
To follow along with this tutorial there are a couple steps we must take before getting to the fun part.
Before we can write any code, we must create a Slack App.
After the Slack App has been created, add a bot user by clicking "Bot" then "Add a Bot User".
Click on OAuth & Permissions, and add the permissions your app will use (bot
should be present at this point). For the bot I am creating for this tutorial I will add the following permissions:
Next, we need to install the new Slack app into the workspace by clicking Basic Information -> Install your app to your workspace
Then we need to save the credentials from the Basic Information page:
Client ID
Client Secret
The final credential we need can be found by clicking Install App (in the navigation bar on the left):
Bot User OAuth Access Token
- Create a new project using your preferred IDE (I use PyCharm).
- Create a new file at the root of your project called
. We will use this file to list the third-party Python dependencies we need to start developing a new SlackBot.- from setuptools import setup version = '1.0.0' requirements = [ 'requests', 'slackclient' ] dev_requirements = [ 'pytest' ] setup(name='YOUR_SLACKBOT_NAME', version=version, description='SlackBot that listens to channels and takes action on them', author='YOUR_NAME', author_email='YOUR_EMAIL', url='LINK_TO_YOUR_GIT_REPO', install_requires=requirements, extras_require={'dev': dev_requirements}, packages=['bot'], )
- To learn more about read the docs and see this readme
- Create a new directory called "bot"
- From the root of your project, run the following command:
pip install -e .[dev]
The first goal we should set for ourselves is giving the bot the ability to read messages.
Invite your bot to a Slack channel - I use #slack-bot-testing
Set a new environment variable
with the value fromBot User OAuth Access Token
# """ Listens for messages in channels where SlackBot is a member and prints the message to Stdout """ import os import time from slackclient import SlackClient POLL_INTERVAL = 1 # seconds between polling from slack def initialize_slack_client(): """ Initializes the SlackClient class and returns it. :return: SlackClient instance """ return SlackClient(os.environ['BOT_TOKEN']) def is_bot_is_present_in_channel(_slack_client, slack_channel): """ Checks if bot is a member in the slack_channel. :param _slack_client: SlackClient instance :param slack_channel: String Slack channel ID :return: Boolean true if bot exists in channel """ slack_bot_user = _slack_client.api_call("auth.test")["user_id"] channel_info = get_channel_info(_slack_client, slack_channel) if 'channel' in channel_info: if 'members' in channel_info['channel']: if slack_bot_user in channel_info['channel']['members']: return True return False def get_channel_info(sc, channel): """ Returns the channel info. :param sc: SlackClient instance :param channel: String Slack channel ID :return: Dict containing response """ return sc.api_call( "", channel=channel ) def is_slack_message(slack_event): """ Returns true if the event type is a message and not a subtype. Subtypes are events like a user joining a channel. :param slack_event: Dictionary containing Slack event data :return: Boolean true if the type is a slack message """ return (slack_event["type"] == "message" and 'subtype' not in slack_event) def run(): """ Runs the SlackBot :return: None """ slack_client = initialize_slack_client() if slack_client.rtm_connect( with_team_state=False, auto_reconnect=True ): while True: print('listening') for event in slack_client.rtm_read(): if (is_slack_message(event) and is_bot_is_present_in_channel(slack_client, event['channel']) ): print(event['text']) time.sleep(POLL_INTERVAL) if __name__ == '__main__': run()
Now that we have written some code, we need to write some tests. Create a
directory and
to it.-
import os import pytest from slackclient import SlackClient from bot import start_bot def test_initialize_slack_client_type(): os.environ['BOT_TOKEN'] = 'candy' a = start_bot.initialize_slack_client() assert isinstance(a, SlackClient) def test_bot_is_present_in_channel_happy(monkeypatch): mock_user = 'godzilla' mock_channel = {'channel': {'members': {mock_user}}} monkeypatch.setattr(start_bot, 'get_channel_info', lambda *args: mock_channel) monkeypatch.setattr(start_bot, 'get_bot_id', lambda *args: mock_user) result = start_bot.is_bot_is_present_in_channel('mock client', mock_channel) assert result is True def test_bot_is_present_in_channel_bot_not_present(monkeypatch): mock_user = 'godzilla' mock_channel = {'channel': {'members': 'mothra'}} monkeypatch.setattr(start_bot, 'get_channel_info', lambda *args: mock_channel) monkeypatch.setattr(start_bot, 'get_bot_id', lambda *args: mock_user) result = start_bot.is_bot_is_present_in_channel('mock client', mock_channel) assert result is False def test_is_slack_message_happy(): mock_event = {'type': 'message'} result = start_bot.is_slack_message(mock_event) assert result is True def test_is_slack_message_not_message(): mock_event = {'type': 'taco'} result = start_bot.is_slack_message(mock_event) assert result is False def test_is_slack_message_subtype_present(): mock_event = {'type': 'message', 'subtype': 'channel_join'} result = start_bot.is_slack_message(mock_event) assert result is False
Now that our Slackbot is able to listen to a channel, let's have it reply with a specific message when our SlackBot is called.
Let's add some new functions to
def was_bot_direct_mentioned(sc, slack_event): """ Returns true if the message begins with <@{SLACKBOT_ID}> :param sc: SlackClient instance :param slack_event: Dictionary containing Slack event data :return: """ return slack_event['text'].startswith(f'<@{get_bot_id(sc)}>') def has_bot_received_request(message_text): return 'tutorials' in message_text.lower() def bot_received_request(_slack_client, s_event): """ Returns true if bot was mentioned at the beginning of a message in a channel the bot is in. :param _slack_client: SlackClient instance :param s_event: Dictionary containing Slack event data :return: Boolean true if bot was mentioned and is a member in the channel """ if is_slack_message(s_event): if is_bot_is_present_in_channel(_slack_client, s_event['channel']): if was_bot_direct_mentioned(_slack_client, s_event): if has_bot_received_request(s_event['text']): return True return False def repeats_message_back_to_user(_slack_client, slack_event): """ Repeats the message back to the user :param _slack_client: SlackClient instance :param slack_event: Dictionary containing Slack event data :return: None """ post_message_to_channel(_slack_client, slack_event['channel'], slack_event['text']) def post_message_to_channel(sc, channel, message, thread=None, broadcast=None): """ Posts message to Slack channel :param sc: SlackClient instance :param channel: String Slack channel id :param message: String message to send :param thread: String Timestamp of thread (event['ts']) or event['thread_ts']) :param broadcast: Boolean broadcasts threaded message to main channel :return: None """ sc.api_call( "chat.postMessage", channel=channel, text=message, thread_ts=thread, reply_broadcast=broadcast )
Now we need to modify the
function to call the new logic we just added:def run(): """ Runs the SlackBot :return: None """ slack_client = initialize_slack_client() if slack_client.rtm_connect( with_team_state=False, auto_reconnect=True ): while True: print('listening') for event in slack_client.rtm_read(): if bot_received_request(slack_client, event): repeats_message_back_to_user(slack_client, event) time.sleep(POLL_INTERVAL)
At this point,
should now look like this:# """ Listens for messages in channels where SlackBot is a member and prints the message to Stdout """ import os import time from slackclient import SlackClient POLL_INTERVAL = 1 # seconds between polling from slack def initialize_slack_client(): """ Initializes the SlackClient class and returns it. :return: SlackClient instance """ return SlackClient(os.environ['BOT_TOKEN']) def is_bot_is_present_in_channel(_slack_client, slack_channel): """ Checks if bot is a member in the slack_channel. :param _slack_client: SlackClient instance :param slack_channel: String Slack channel ID :return: Boolean true if bot exists in channel """ slack_bot_user = get_bot_id(_slack_client) channel_info = get_channel_info(_slack_client, slack_channel) if 'channel' in channel_info: if 'members' in channel_info['channel']: if slack_bot_user in channel_info['channel']['members']: return True return False def get_bot_id(_slack_client): """ Returns the ID of the SlackBot. :param _slack_client: SlackClient instance :return: String SlackBot's ID """ return _slack_client.api_call("auth.test")["user_id"] def get_channel_info(sc, channel): """ Returns the channel info. :param sc: SlackClient instance :param channel: String Slack channel ID :return: Dict containing response """ return sc.api_call( "", channel=channel ) def is_slack_message(slack_event): """ Returns true if the event type is a message and not a subtype. Subtypes are events like a user joining a channel. :param slack_event: Dictionary containing Slack event data :return: Boolean true if the type is a slack message """ return (slack_event["type"] == "message" and 'subtype' not in slack_event) def was_bot_direct_mentioned(sc, slack_event): """ Returns true if the message begins with <@{SLACKBOT_ID}> :param sc: SlackClient instance :param slack_event: Dictionary containing Slack event data :return: """ return slack_event['text'].startswith(f'<@{get_bot_id(sc)}>') def has_bot_received_request(message_text): return 'tutorials' in message_text.lower() def bot_received_request(_slack_client, s_event): """ Returns true if bot was mentioned at the beginning of a message in a channel the bot is in. :param _slack_client: SlackClient instance :param s_event: Dictionary containing Slack event data :return: Boolean true if bot was mentioned and is a member in the channel """ if is_slack_message(s_event): if is_bot_is_present_in_channel(_slack_client, s_event['channel']): if was_bot_direct_mentioned(_slack_client, s_event): if has_bot_received_request(s_event['text']): return True return False def repeats_message_back_to_user(_slack_client, slack_event): """ Repeats the message back to the user :param _slack_client: SlackClient instance :param slack_event: Dictionary containing Slack event data :return: None """ post_message_to_channel(_slack_client, slack_event['channel'], slack_event['text']) def post_message_to_channel(sc, channel, message, thread=None, broadcast=None): """ Posts message to Slack channel :param sc: SlackClient instance :param channel: String Slack channel id :param message: String message to send :param thread: String Timestamp of thread (event['ts']) or event['thread_ts']) :param broadcast: Boolean broadcasts threaded message to main channel :return: None """ sc.api_call( "chat.postMessage", channel=channel, text=message, thread_ts=thread, reply_broadcast=broadcast ) def run(): """ Runs the SlackBot :return: None """ slack_client = initialize_slack_client() if slack_client.rtm_connect( with_team_state=False, auto_reconnect=True ): while True: print('listening') for event in slack_client.rtm_read(): if bot_received_request(slack_client, event): repeats_message_back_to_user(slack_client, event) time.sleep(POLL_INTERVAL) if __name__ == '__main__': run()
At this point, our SlackBot is ready to make requests to a third-party API. For this tutorial, I will be using Github's API, but feel free to stop the tutorial here and implement your own functionality.
This SlackBot (tutorial-bot) will post the links to each learn-automation Git repo that has a name prefixed with tutorial-
- Set a new environment variable
with the value oflearn-automation
- Create
import os import requests class GithubApiWrapper: org = os.environ['GITHUB_ORG'] api = '' endpoints = {'list_organization_repositories': f'{api}/orgs/{org}/repos'} @classmethod def list_organization_repositories(cls): """ Retrieves JSON from the orgs/{org}/repos endpoint :return: Dictionary returned from Github endpoint """ response = requests.get( cls.endpoints['list_organization_repositories'] ) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() @classmethod def get_org_repos(cls): """ Returns all repos that belong to os.environ['GITHUB_ORG'] :return: List of tuples containing strings [(name, desc, url)] """ repo_list = [] repos = cls.list_organization_repositories() for repo in repos: repo_list.append((repo['name'], repo['description'], repo['html_url'])) return repo_list
- Add new functions to
- Import GithubApiWrapper
from bot.github_api_wrapper import GithubApiWrapper
- Wire up logic to consume GithubApiWrapper in
def get_list_of_org_repos(): """ Grabs repos that belong to the org from Github API. :return: List of tuples containing (name, description, url) """ return GithubApiWrapper.get_org_repos() def prepare_repo_message(name, desc, url): """ If the repo name starts with 'tutorial-' return a string containing the repo metadata, otherwise returns an empty string :param name: String Repo name :param desc: String Repo description :param url: String Repo html url :return: String containing repo data, or empty string """ if name.lower().startswith('tutorial-'): return (f'*{name}* \n>' f'{desc if desc else "Repo has no description"} \n' f' {url}' + '\n'*5) else: return '' def display_org_repos(_slack_client, channel): """ Posts a message containing the name, description, and url of repos that belong to the org where the repo name starts with 'tutorial-' :param _slack_client: SlackClient instance :param channel: String ID of Slack channel :return: None """ message = f'*{os.environ["GITHUB_ORG"]} repos:*\n' repos = get_list_of_org_repos() for repo in repos: message += prepare_repo_message(*repo) post_message_to_channel(_slack_client, channel, message)
- Now we must alter the
function in to consume the new logic:def run(): """ Runs the SlackBot :return: None """ slack_client = initialize_slack_client() if slack_client.rtm_connect( with_team_state=False, auto_reconnect=True ): while True: print('listening') for event in slack_client.rtm_read(): if bot_received_request(slack_client, event): display_org_repos(slack_client, event['channel']) time.sleep(POLL_INTERVAL)
- The final contents of
should be:""" Listens for messages in channels where SlackBot is if somebody says "@OurSlackBot tutorials" in a channel with our SlackBot present @OurSlackBot will reply with Github repo information if the name of the repository starts with tutorial- """ import os import time from slackclient import SlackClient from bot.github_api_wrapper import GithubApiWrapper POLL_INTERVAL = 1 # seconds between polling from slack def initialize_slack_client(): """ Initializes the SlackClient class and returns it. :return: SlackClient instance """ return SlackClient(os.environ['BOT_TOKEN']) def get_list_of_org_repos(): """ Grabs repos that belong to the org from Github API. :return: List of tuples containing (name, description, url) """ return GithubApiWrapper.get_org_repos() def prepare_repo_message(name, desc, url): """ If the repo name starts with 'tutorial-' return a string containing the repo metadata, otherwise returns an empty string :param name: String Repo name :param desc: String Repo description :param url: String Repo html url :return: String containing repo data, or empty string """ if name.lower().startswith('tutorial-'): return (f'*{name}* \n>' f'{desc if desc else "Repo has no description"} \n' f' {url}' + '\n'*5) else: return '' def display_org_repos(_slack_client, channel): """ Posts a message containing the name, description, and url of repos that belong to the org where the repo name starts with 'tutorial-' :param _slack_client: SlackClient instance :param channel: String ID of Slack channel :return: None """ message = f'*{os.environ["GITHUB_ORG"]} repos:*\n' repos = get_list_of_org_repos() for repo in repos: message += prepare_repo_message(*repo) post_message_to_channel(_slack_client, channel, message) def is_bot_is_present_in_channel(_slack_client, slack_channel): """ Checks if bot is a member in the slack_channel. :param _slack_client: SlackClient instance :param slack_channel: String Slack channel ID :return: Boolean true if bot exists in channel """ slack_bot_user = get_bot_id(_slack_client) channel_info = get_channel_info(_slack_client, slack_channel) if 'channel' in channel_info: if 'members' in channel_info['channel']: if slack_bot_user in channel_info['channel']['members']: return True return False def get_bot_id(_slack_client): """ Returns the ID of the SlackBot. :param _slack_client: SlackClient instance :return: String SlackBot's ID """ return _slack_client.api_call("auth.test")["user_id"] def get_channel_info(sc, channel): """ Returns the channel info. :param sc: SlackClient instance :param channel: String Slack channel ID :return: Dict containing response """ return sc.api_call( "", channel=channel ) def is_slack_message(slack_event): """ Returns true if the event type is a message and not a subtype. Subtypes are events like a user joining a channel. :param slack_event: Dictionary containing Slack event data :return: Boolean true if the type is a slack message """ return (slack_event["type"] == "message" and 'subtype' not in slack_event) def was_bot_direct_mentioned(sc, slack_event): """ Returns true if the message begins with <@{SLACKBOT_ID}> :param sc: SlackClient instance :param slack_event: Dictionary containing Slack event data :return: """ return slack_event['text'].startswith(f'<@{get_bot_id(sc)}>') def has_bot_received_request(message_text): return 'tutorials' in message_text.lower() def bot_received_request(_slack_client, s_event): """ Returns true if bot was mentioned at the beginning of a message in a channel the bot is in. :param _slack_client: SlackClient instance :param s_event: Dictionary containing Slack event data :return: Boolean true if bot was mentioned and is a member in the channel """ if is_slack_message(s_event): if is_bot_is_present_in_channel(_slack_client, s_event['channel']): if was_bot_direct_mentioned(_slack_client, s_event): if has_bot_received_request(s_event['text']): return True return False def post_message_to_channel(sc, channel, message, thread=None, broadcast=None): """ Posts message to Slack channel :param sc: SlackClient instance :param channel: String Slack channel id :param message: String message to send :param thread: String Timestamp of thread (event['ts']) or event['thread_ts']) :param broadcast: Boolean broadcasts threaded message to main channel :return: None """ sc.api_call( "chat.postMessage", channel=channel, text=message, thread_ts=thread, reply_broadcast=broadcast ) def run(): """ Runs the SlackBot :return: None """ slack_client = initialize_slack_client() if slack_client.rtm_connect( with_team_state=False, auto_reconnect=True ): while True: print('listening') for event in slack_client.rtm_read(): if bot_received_request(slack_client, event): display_org_repos(slack_client, event['channel']) time.sleep(POLL_INTERVAL) if __name__ == '__main__': run()
- Import GithubApiWrapper