
Adds a searchlist to Vim/Neovim

Primary LanguageVim Script


vim-searchlist demo

Adds a 'searchlist' to Vim/Neovim. It acts like the jumplist, but instead of storing jumps, stores the location where you last initiated a search.

Check out the documentation for more.


Have you ever started searching for something with the /, ?, *, #, g*, g#, gd, or gD commands, then wanted to return to the cursor position that you were in when you started the search?

(Neo)vim already has some built-in mechanisms that you can use for this:

  • The jumplist (:help jumplist)
  • Marks (:help mark)
  • Using <C-g> and <C-t> when searching (:help c_CTRL-G)

All of these solutions have problems:

  • The jumplist is too general -- a jump is command that normally moves the cursor several lines away (see :help jump-motions), and the standard set of search motions are jump commands. If you want to jump back to the position you were in when you started the search, you often have to jump back multiple positions in the jumplist.
  • You could mark the current cursor position before you start a search, but you have to actually remember to do this. Also, this technique doesn't work so well if you want to jump back to a few searches ago.
  • Using <C-g> and <C-t> while searching does not give you the full freedom to explore compared to what you get in normal mode.

This plugin introduces the idea of a 'searchlist'. Each time you initiate a new search, the position is saved in the jumplist. You can walk backwards/forwards over the saved position with g\ and g/ by default.

This means that you can freely explore using searches in a buffer and always get back to where you started quickly.