Creating SSL for multiple domains using let's encrypt

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Generating Free SSL Certificates for Multiple Domains Using VHOST, Express, NODEJS

Using VHOST and express it is possible to host multiple websites using a single server.

The included files cover the general idea to get you up and running.

Creating the Certificates

(Running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) When using Let's encrypt, you will do the following commands:

Add Certbot to your list of software available sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot

Update all software references sudo apt-get update

Install Certbot sudo apt-get install certbot

Create Certificates for your different domains

certbot certonly --standalone -d siteOneDomain.com -d www.siteOneDomain.com -d siteTwoDomain.com -d www.sitetwoDomain.com

Update siteOneDomain and siteTwoDomain to your own domains and add as many sites will multi-use this certificate by adding -d newsitename.com -d www.newsitename.com.

So make sure you include both with and without www.

When it has been completed it will create the certs. Update your path to private and public on your SAMPLE-server.js(server.js) file.

Starting The Server

You would only run node SAMPLE-server.js (you will want to change this to server.js for actual deployment).

This file will automatically take care of running the other two websites.

Note: to keep it running use forever start server.js. If you don't have that, run npm install -g forever