glitchMonger Renoise tool
Pattern matrix section name prefixes:
- s_ : "seed" patterns
- r_ : patterns to fill with data from seed patterns
Track prefixes:
- r_ : RANDOM tracks
- k_ : random tracks, but KEEP in parallel with other k_ tracks when randomizing
- o_ : LOOP tracks in order from s_ patterns
- g_NN : GLITCH, like r_, but also randomize groups of NN rows from different patterns, keeping row numbers the same. ex: g_8 pattern 22 rows 16-23 copied from random pattern rows 16-23
- x_NN : CROSS-GLITCH, like g_, but also randomizes the NN rows groupings. ex: x_16 pattern 22 rows 16-31 copied from random pattern rows 32-47 or 0-15