
Objective: Build 2 sets of CRUD routes for 2 models, Students and Tests


- For now, moodels are just objects that live in express app score

	Test {id : 0, score: 99, subject : 'Physics', studentID : 2}
	Student {id : 0, name : 'Ashi'}

- Necessary routes:

	- Get all students

	- Get all test scores

	- Update student name

	- Update test score

	- Get mean test score by student ID

	- Get top scoring student

	- Delete Student

	- Delete Score

	- Add Student

	- Add Score

How to test routes without a frontend or specs

  • GET: use your browser
  • CLI (command line interface) with curl
    • e.g. curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"username":"kate","password":"1234"}' http://localhost:3000/api/login
    • -H: headers. -X: verb. -d: data (must be of the type specified in headers). http://[address]:[port]/[route_path]
  • Postman