
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Social Network

Part One

  1. Server
    • ✔️ Set Up Middlewares
      • ✔️ express.static
      • ✔️ express.json
      • ✔️ cookie.session
      • ✔️ csurf will be set up later
    • ✔️ Set up redirects to /welcome when user is logged out
    • ✔️ Create database & create db.js for queries
    • ✔️ POST /registration
      • ✔️ Can mostly be copied from petition
      • ✔️ However no redirects or renderings. Communication of success/failure done with either json or status codes
  2. Client
    • start.js
      • ✔️ delete HelloWorld
      • ✔️ add logic to determine what to pass to ReactDOM.render
        • ✔️ if url is /welcome, render Welcome component.
        • ✔️ if not, render small Logo
      • ✔️ Welcome component
        • ✔️ Can be a function component
        • Spits o ut a welcome message, a big Logo
      • ✔️ Registration component
        • ✔️ uses state - should be a class
        • ✔️ renders
          • ✔️ four input fields
          • ✔️ one button
          • ✔️ error message conditionally based on this.state.error
      • ✔️ event handlers
        • ✔️ four form fields
          • ✔️ Puts form values into state
        • ✔️ click handler for button
          • ✔️ makes POST request and submits the values of the form fields
          • ✔️ on failure, sets state to show error message
          • ✔️ on success, redirects to / to show small Logo
      • Varia
        • find logo
        • ✔️ add css to index.html

Part 2

Part 3

  1. Reset Password

    • accessible through a Link rendered by Login
    • component of 3rd route in HashRouter
    • Displays
      1. form field with email input & button to advance to next step
        • button makes POST request
        • confirm that ther is a user with that email
        • generate secret code & store in db for later
        • put code into an email message and send it to the user
      2. Upon success rerender ResetPassword with new form containing 2 inputs one for code & one for new Password.
        • on submit - POST request w/ email, code and new password
        • find stored code for given email
        • confirm that the code matches the stored one in db.
        • hash password & replace the old one with it.
      3. Upon success rerender ResetPassword to show a link to the login page.
  2. Creating secret code

    const cryptoRandomString = require('crypto-random-string');
    const secretCode = cryptoRandomString({
        length: 6
  3. Storing the Code

Part 4 Profile Pic

  1. App

    • ✔️ Main container component for the entire logged in experience It is the keeper of information about the logged in user.
    • ✔️ It fetches this info when it mounts and keeps user info in its state
    • ✔️ Renders a Logo, ProfilePic and Uploader
    • Passes functions to ProfilePic and Uploader for making changes to its state
    • ✔️ MUST be a class since it needs both state and lifecycle methods
  2. ✔️ ProfilePic

    • ✔️ Its job is to display a profile pic (can use first and last name for the alt tag of the image)
    • ✔️ Is passed down props that tell it the first and last name of the urser and the url of the image.
    • ✔️ Is also passed down a prop that is a function that it must call when the image is clicked. When user clicks the pic, the uploader needs to become visible.
      • ✔️ props -- toggleUploader, name, url
    • ✔️ Can be a function or a class.
  3. Uploader

    • ✔️ needs to be a class based component as it will have state
    • ✔️ you need to conditionally render Uploader. It starts off as hidden but when you click on the profilePic, you will make it visible. The conditional rendering of Uploader depends on the current state. Make it look like a modal.
    • ✔️ When visible, it needs to render a file input to make image upload possible
    • ✔️ handles the change event on the file input and uploads the selected file
    • ✔️ when the upload is done, you should know the url of the uploaded file and you must pass the url to a function in App for image upload, refer to what you did in IB. (formData, multer, s3, etc)
    • ✔️ The function we pass the url to will update the state in APP when there is a new image and will also close the modal afterwards.
    • ✔️ Maybe Uploader has a button or x for closing. This too must call a function that was passed down as a prop to make the Uploader disappear.
    • ✔️ You'll need to add a new column to your user's table for teh imageUrl - make it text
    • ✔️ Make sure you do an UPDATE for the image in the users table rather than an insert

Part 5

  1. ✔️ Profile

    • ✔️ Child of app
    • ✔️ Function or class component
    • ✔️ Receives many props from App
      • ✔️ Renders users' name,
      • ✔️ larger Profile Pic
      • ✔️ Bio
  2. ✔️ BioEditor

    • ✔️ Child of Profile
    • ✔️ Class component
    • ✔️ Keeps bioDraft (unsaved user input) in own state
      • ✔️ needs change handler
    • ✔️ Determines which ui to display based on bio prop passed
      1. ✔️ No Bio (prop from profile is undefined)
        • ✔️ render clickable element "Add Bio"
        • ✔️ No text area visible
      2. ✔️ User has bio
        • ✔️ render bio with clickable element "Edit Bio"
      3. ✔️ Display text area
    • ✔️ Updating bio on submit
      • ✔️ method called setBio - takes newBio as argument and stores in App state
      • ✔️ setBio needs tp be passed down from App
      • ✔️ click handler on save button makes POST request to save bio in db.
        • ✔️ send newBio as part of the request (no fromData)
        • ✔️ on success call setBio and pass it the newly set bio.
        • ✔️ when function is called, the new bio will flow back down to BioEditor from App
  3. ✔️ Server

    • ✔️ add bio column to users table
    • ✔️ create new POST route for updating the bio column in db
    • ✔️ Return stored bio back to App

Part 6

  1. OtherProfile

    • Shows profile of other users
    • not editable (profilePic, bio, etc...)
    • on mount, kames ajax call to get profile data.
    • data is set to state to be displayed
  2. BrowserRouter

Part 8 Friend Requests

  1. New Table in DB
    •   CREATE TABLE friendships( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
        sender_id INT REFERENCES users(id) NOT NULL,
        recipient_id INT REFERENCES users(id) NOT NULL,
        accepted BOOLEAN DEFAULT false);
  2. Server Routes
    • dynamic GET route that gets the friendship status between viewer oder viewee (cookie id, userr pofile)
      • gets initial status between logged user and profile id of page