
Horror game about a home invasion

Primary LanguageLua


Welcome to the alpha build of Bump in the Night!

Bump in the Night is a top-down stealth horror game about surviving various home invasion situations. In each scenario, you have to sneak through your house to collect several items that you will need to deal with the threat. Some items must be used together (use the bullets on the unloaded gun, for instance). This game includes controller support.

Running the Game

To run the game, head over to Releases and download the latest release. If you’re not on Windows, then download the .love file, go here, download and install the 0.10 version of LOVE for your computer, and then double-click on the Bump-in-the-Night.love file you downloaded. If that doesn't run the game, then follow the instructions under “Running Games” here.

Current Scenarios

  • Wolf
    • Stats: Three wolves have invaded your home. They can hunt you by sight and by sound (if you run). They will move randomly through the house.
    • Clear Condition: Find the gun, the bullets, the trap, and the piece of meat. Load the bullets into the gun, then strategically place the trap and the meat so that a wolf is lured into the trap, then eliminate them with the gun. A wolf may only be killed while it is snared by the trap (no one said these were normal wolves).
  • Panther
    • Stats: One panther has invaded your home. It can hunt you by sight and by sound (if you run). It will move randomly through the house, but every so often it will catch your scent and come straight for you. It also cannot be seen without a flashlight unless it is close to you
    • Clear Condition: Find the gun, the bullets, the trap, and the piece of meat. Load the bullets into the gun, then strategically place the trap and the meat so that the panther is lured into the trap, then eliminate them with the gun. The panther may only be killed while it is snared by the trap. Be careful! The panther can still move and kill you while ensnared by the trap.
  • Burglar
    • Stats: A burglar is robbing your home. He can hunt you by sight. He will move randomly through the house.
    • Clear Condition: Find the phone, the battery, and the stun gun. Put the battery into the phone and call the police. This will cause the burglar to pursue you relentlessly as he can hear your phone call. Use the stun gun to stun him and flee. You must last until the police arrive.
  • Arsonist
    • Stats: An arson is trying to burn your house down. He will not hunt you at first, but will flee when he sees you. He will continuously set fire to your house.
    • Clear Condition: Find the phone, the battery, the stun gun, and the bucket. Put the battery into the phone and call the police. This will cause the arsonist to pursue you relentlessly as he can hear your phone call. Use the stun gun to stun him and flee. Use the bucket to put out the fires he spreads. You must last until the police arrive.
  • Killer
    • Stats: A serial killer has chosen you as his next victim. He will hunt you by sight and move randomly through the house. After you call the police, he has a slight chance to activate his "killer instinct" and home in on your position. If he sees you, he will shoot you with his gun.
    • Clear Condition: Find the phone and the battery. Put the battery into the phone and call the police. This will cause the killer to hunt for you more frantically, but he will not immediately know where you are. Last until the police arrive.
  • Vampire
    • Stats: The vampire that lives in your house has awoken and is looking for a drink. Trying to move while within his range or being seen by him will cause him to freeze you and stalk slowly towards you. You must wiggle and thrash to break free. He will sometimes catch your scent and come straight for you. He cannot be seen except for the strange blue aura that represents the range of his ability.
    • Clear Condition: Find the stake and the cross. Having the cross in your inventory will make you immune to his freezing ability. He will still be able to freeze you if he sees you. Sneak up behind him and stab him with the stake.
  • Ghost
    • Stats: The ghost of the poor person buried in your basement has awoken. Although it can't exist indefinitely, it can manifest for short bursts and chase you through walls.
    • Clear Condition: Find the shovel and the lighter. Go to the basement where the graves are and dig them up until you find the one with the corpse in it. Use the lighter to burn the corpse.
  • Aliens
    • Stats: Two aliens are exploring your house. Their ship is putting out waves that have a muddling effect on the human brain. This will cause your vision to warp and your controls to reverse in short intervals.
    • Clear Condition: Find the tin hat to protect against the effects of their ship. Find the battery for the music box in order to play a tune that will activate the "retreat" subroutine in their ship.
  • Zombies
  • Elder God

Current Issues

  • The lighting is a little weird. You can't see what's in a hallway on the other side of a wall, but you can see the wall on the other side of the wall
  • The graphics are almost entirely programmer art or placeholder art