
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Secrets is an application where you can anonymously share your deepest, darkest secrets with the entire internet and have people comment on them. This is totally a good idea where nothing can go wrong.

The best part of this totally viable application is: you have to build it!

Before you get started:

  1. Make sure you have a database created in Postgres named secrets. You should be able to accomplish this by running createdb secrets in your terminal or using your Postgres GUI program (like Postico).

  2. Check out the hosted finished version of this application here: (https://thawing-waters-37617.herokuapp.com). This should give you clear direction in the necessary features and functionality. Oh, you should also share a secret with us ... please keep it clean. :)

  3. Check out the files you already have! You shouldn't have to write any HTML or CSS if using the CSS file available in the public/stylesheets folder or the views available in views. A lot of the server is also scaffolded out for you already. Take some time to understand what you have already and what you'll need to build.

  4. A solution can be browsed in the first commit of this repo, direct link here: https://github.com/joedotjs/secrets/tree/ca04e5a8ae65201789fd1c4e7a92f59f325b1a63. Feel free to reference this if you get stuck!

What you need to do:

  1. Fill in the model definitions for SecretModel and CommentModel in db/models.js. Both models should really only need a text column. Keep in mind that comments should reference a secret and you'll probably have to do this using either belongsTo or hasMany, or both!

  2. You should be able to build this application feature-complete with 6 routes:

    • GET /secrets

      • This route serves up all secrets in database and renders the index.html view. An extra challenge in layering in pagination (prev/next page) but it shouldn't be necessary as the template is written now.
    • GET /

      • Redirects to GET /secrets
    • POST /secrets

      • Adds a new secret to the database, then redirects to GET /secrets
    • GET /secrets/:secretId

      • Accesses a secret from the database by its ID, along with comments, and renders out secret.html
    • GET /secrets/add

      • Renders out the form to add a new secret.
    • POST /secrets/:secretId/comments

      • Adds a new comment to a secret, to be seen on the single secret route.
  3. As mentioned earlier, there is a beyond-the-basics challenge of implementing pagination for the GET /secrets route. Look at how the hrefs in index.html for Previous/Next Page links are written. Your GET /secrets should use req.query to enhance your existing query. limit, offset in your where object will be useful to you.