
More specific test for my IR tracking robot head

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


NOTE: I've moved this to/rewritten it in a PlatformIO project here.

More specific test for my IR tracking robot head.

I wrote the Distance Sense part of the code as a struct/class singleton to organize my thoughts better.

Pin Requirements

Since I'm basically bodging Vishay's Fast Proximity stuff on to a simple analog sensor differencer, there's a few pins I am restricted from using due to using Timer 1 and Timer 2.

  • Analog Sensor Difference:
    • Inputs:
      • Sensor Input: A0
      • VRef Input: A1
    • Outputs:
      • Higher Output: 5
      • Lower Output: 6
  • Distance Detection:
    • Inputs:
      • A2: Used to read a pot to determine the effective carrier strength for our IR Signal LED.
      • 8/PB0/ICP1: Edge detector, connected to the output of the TSOP38238.
    • Outputs:
      • 3/PD3/OC2B: PWM for the IR Signal LED.
    • Blocked:
      • 11/OC2A: Since we're using Pin 3 for PWM output, we don't really have the use of 11.
  • RGB Status LEDs:
    • Outputs:
      • 13: Eh, we can use any pin. I'll use ... pin 13! The LED pin! Used for LEDs! Hah hah hah. hah.

Timer Considerations

Timer 2: Distance Sense Signal Carrier

  • Setup:
    • Control Registers:
      • TCCR2[A:B] are set to have only the following bits On:
        • TCCR2A.WGM20 & TCCR2B.WGM22 - Wave Generation Mode 5: Phase Correct PWM with Top = OCR2A.
        • TCCR2B.CS20 - Use System Clock with No Prescaler.
    • Pin I/O Registers:
      • DDRD has the following pin set to Output (bit = On):
        • DDRD.DDD3
  • Control:
    • OCR2A - Timer 2 Top value.
      • This is set to the Half Period (in System Clock Ticks) of our target frequency.
    • OCR2B - Timer 2 Carrier Duty Cycle.
      • This is set to OCR2A * Duty% to determine the Duty Cycle.
      • A 30% Duty Cycle is OCR2A * 0.3f, but as an int obviously.
    • TCNT2 - Timer 2 Counter. We reset this to 0 when starting to ensure a well formed initial pulse.
      • Not sure if it's necessary or not, probably not, but oh well?
    • TCCR2A.COM2B1 - Turn this bit On to turn Pin 3 on for the duty cycle.
    • TIMSK2.IOIE2 - Enable Timer 2 Overflow Interrupt. Using the Overflow Interrupt Handler to count Carrier Pulses.

Timer 1: Distance Sense Event Listener

  • Control Register Setup:
    • TCCR1A is left with all bits Off.
    • TCCR1B is set to have only the following bits On:
      • TCCR1B.CS11 & TCCR1B.CS10 - Use System Clock with Prescaler of 64.
      • TCCR1B.ICNC1 - Enable Input Capture Noise Cancelation
  • Control:
    • TCCR1B.ICES1 - Input Capture Edge Select, set to 0 when starting sensing to listen for a falling edge, then set to 1 after the initial falling edge is detected to listen for the corresponding rising edge.
      • We start with falling edge because the TSOP38238 and other such IR sensors have Active-Low outputs, meaning their output is normally high, then is pulled low when they've detected a signal.
      • Thus, Falling Edge means Sensor Began Recognizing a Signal, Rising Edge means Sensor Stopped Recognizing a Signal.
      • Since there's only one Input Capture Event Interrupt Handler, we check this bit to determine which edge we're reacting to.
    • TIMSK1.ICIE1 - Input Capture Event Interrupt Enable. Lets us detect those edges!
    • TCNT1 - Timer 1 Counter. We reset this to 0 when we hit a falling edge.
    • ICR1 - Timer 1 Input Capture Register. We read this when we hit a rising edge.

Outline of Operation

There are basically 2 parts, only one of which is really all that complicated. Due to asynchrony, the main body of the Loop is a simple Finite State Machine.

  • Setup:
    • Analog Sensor Difference:
      • Set Pins 5 and 6 as Outputs.
    • Distance Detection:
      • Setup Timer 2 as our Signal Carrier Modulator:
        • Set the Mode to Mode 5: Phase Correct PWM
        • Disconnect OC2A and OC2B to start with
          • OC2A is left disconnected; OC2B will be enabled later during Carrier Bursts.
        • Set OCR2A to the Half Period of our frequency
        • Set OCR2B to a fraction of OCR2A according to the desired cycle duty.
        • TODO: Enable the Timer Overflow Interrupt TIMSK2.TOIE2 and define ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect)? Could be used to send only the desired number of pulses.
        • Set Pin 3 (PD3) as on Output.
      • Setup Timer 1 as our Resposne Timer:
        • Set the Mode to Mode 5: Phase Correct PWM
        • Set Timer 1's Prescaler to 64
        • Set Edge Trigger Direction to Falling
        • Enable the Input Edge Detector (ICES) and Input Noise Cancelation. (ICNC)
          • Later, TIMSK1.ICIE will be enabled to actually call the Input Capture ISR
        • Set Pin 8 (ICP1/PB0) as an Input.
        • Define the Input Capture ISR ISR(TIMER1_CAPT_vect)
    • RGB Status LEDs:
      • Main Strip Turn On!
  • Operation:
    • Update from Analog Sensor:
      • Read Differential Input A0 and VRef Input A1.
      • Update 5 and 6 after comparing those values.
    • Update from Distance Detection:
      • Read Power Setting A2.
      • Configure Timer 1 and Timer 2 according to that value.
        • ??
        • First thing will be to just vary the cycle duty on Timer 2. I'll do from 0% ~ 70%.
        • Calculate Timer 1 lower and upper bounds based on calculated timing for a 25 pulse burst on Timer 2.
      • Initiate 25 pulse burst on IR Emitter on pin 3.
      • Enable Timer 2's Overflow Interrupt TIMSK2.TOIE2.
      • Set Timer 1 to listen for falling edge and enable Input Capture Interrupt TIMSK1.ICIE.
      • On Timer 2 Overflow: Increment
      • On Input Capture Interrupt:
        • If set for falling edge, input pulse has started:
          • Reset Timer 1 Count to 0.
          • Set Timer 1 to listen for rising edge.
          • Return.
        • If set for rising edge, input pulse has ended:
          • Read Timer 1 Count and store.
          • Disable Input Capture Interrupt TIMSK1.ICIE
          • Set Timer 1 to listen for rising edge.
          • Update State to Input Capture Completion.
      • On Input Capture Completion:
        • Check if received pulse length was within calculated bounds for a 25 pulse burst.
          • Signal by status LED if yes or no.

Calculating the Bounds of Timer 1

Since initially, I'm going with the center frequency of the TSOP38238, 38kHz, I can use the typical Sensor Output Pulse Times as the acceptable pulse range. In the Fast Proximity note they used Time Carrier is Received (Tpi) less 5 pulses (5 / f0) as the lower bound and plus 6 pulses (6 / f0) as the upper bound of time for the Time Sensor Outputs (Tpo) to be considered a valid receipt of a carrier-modulated signal.

  • Tpi - 5 / f0 < Tpo < Tpi + 6 / f0

Ordinarily, we could just assume the duration of a pulse length is a fixed value if the number of pulses is also fixed, but since frequency modulation may be a thing, we first need to calculate the actual time taken by a given pulse length.

  • Given:
    • Carrier Pulse Count (Carrier-Pulses) n = 25
    • Carrier Modulation Frequency (Hz) f0 = 38k
    • Half Period (Timer 2 Ticks) t2 = 16MHz / (2 * f0)
      • f0 (Hz) = 16MHz / 2 / t2 = 16MHz / (2 * t2)
    • Time of Pulse Train Input (Seconds) Tpi = n / f0
    • Timer 1 Prescaler (Unitless) T1pre = 64
  • Find Timer 1 Count Lower Bound (Timer 1 Ticks) T1nLower, Timer 1 Count Upper Bound (Timer 1 Ticks) T1nUpper
    • T1nLower = T1tps * ((n - 5) / f0)
      • :: (Timer-1-Ticks / Seconds) * ((Carrier-Pulses) / (Carrier-Pulses / Seconds))
      • :: Timer-1-Ticks
      • = 16MHz / T1pre * (n - 5) / f0
      • = (16MHz / (T1pre * f0)) * (n - 5)
      • NOTE: n - 5 is for the normal frequency. If using off-center frequencies for the carrier modulation, consider numbers as low as n - 15.
    • T1nUpper = T1tps * ((n + 6) / f0)
      • = 16MHz / T1pre * (n + 6) / f0
      • = (16MHz / (T1pre * f0)) * (n + 6)
    • Find Timer 1 Ticks per Second (Timer-1-Ticks / Seconds) T1tps
      • T1tps = 16MHz / T1pre


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