
This project was created by two people that love playing games with their friends. What we've found to be the two biggest obstacles to game nights are: heavy technical requirements (consoles, controllers, etc.) and time. GoMemeYourself gets around both of those by using what you already have: a simple web browser on a TV or computer and you and your friends' mobile devices. Players join the game on their phones (or tablets) and snap a selfie. Once all the players have submitted their selfie, they're assigned a random selfie from one of their friends. They add a caption to that selfie and hit submit. After everyone's submitted a caption, all the newly-created memes are displayed on the screen and players get to vote on their favorite one. Players get points for votes on their captions or their photos.






photo submit screen

Running the tests

open public/test-runner.html in browser to see result of unit tests


Game running live via Heroku here.

Built With

  • Bootstrap - CSS library
  • Firebase - Provides realtime communication for game data
  • JawsDB MySQL - Heroku add-on that provides MySQL database server
  • jQuery - Dom manipulation library



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Hat tip to anyone who's code was used
  • Inspiration
  • etc