- [ ] Setup
- [ ] git
- [ ] npm
- [ ] ssh
- [ ] bash
- [ ] dircolors
- [ ] urxvt
- [ ] iTerm
- [ ] Xresources
- List of software to install
- ripgrep
- tldr
- The best way to store your dotfiles: A bare Git repository
- Create a git tracking folder so that you don’t have to use .git
git init --bare .dotfiles-git
- But now you need to create an alias to always specify the git working tree
alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles-git/ --work-tree=$HOME'
- Mute all the untracked files
config config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
- encrypt with password or key
gpg --output out.gpg --symmetric example.txt
- gpg with key for public key
gpg --output output.gpg --encrypt --recipient joegle@gmail.com example.txt
- decrypt with password or key
gpg --homedir=.. --output clear.txt --decrypt secret.gpg