
Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. Node >= v12(this may or may not cause issues, but the codebase was created with v12, so it's best to use nvm and make sure you're on the same version).
  2. nodemon for running the API and watching files for changes (it's not included as a dep, as it was installed globally when this codebase was created).
  3. You need your own API key from The Movie Database API, as each is personal and there isn't one included in this repo

Running the codebase

  1. Clone this repo
  2. As one is not included for security, create a .env file with two variables as follows...
  1. Install dependencies with yarn or npm
  2. yarn run dev will bundle things up and watch using nodemon (See: prereq #1)
  3. You can test for a response using Postman by creating a GET request that calls localhost:8080/movies (You should get back an array of popular movies...)