
Parse Heroes of the Storm game data into JSON

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Parse Heroes of the Storm game data into JSON from the command line or in Node.


heroes-parser has been tested on Windows and Linux. To use from the command line install it globally.

With npm:

npm install -g heroes-parser

With yarn:

yarn global add heroes-parser

To use in your project using npm

npm install heroes-parser

or with yarn

yarn add heroes-parser


heroes-parser can be used from the command line or from Node.

Command Line

Use heroes-parser or heroes-parser parser To convert elements from XML to JSON:

Usage: heroes-parser parse <game-directory>

Generate JSON from Heroes of the Storm data


  --out-dir <dir>                 Directory to save JSON and source files
  --no-game-dir                   Game directory is not the Heroes of the Storm install directory
  --build-number <number>         Build number to use if the source is not a game directory
  --root-element <element-name>   Root XML element
  --root-id <element-id>          Root XML element Id
  --parse-element <element-name>  Name of XML element to JSON
  --elements <name>               Friendly name for elements to parse. Sets root-element and parse-element (default: heroes)
  --profile <name>                Profile to use for parsing elements (default: basic)
  -s, --save-source-files         Save source files (XML, txt, etc.) to output directory
  -S, --archive-source-files      Bundle source files into a zip file
  -a, --archive-json              Bundle JSON into a zip file
  --log-level <level>             Log level (none|info|debug) (default: info)
  --config-file <fileName>        Use config file. Can be JSON or Javascript
  -h, --help                      output usage information

Use heroes-parser extract to extract images and audio from the game data:

Usage: heroes-parser extract extract <game-directory> [filePaths...]

Extract asset files from Heroes of the Storm game data


  --out-dir <dir>            Directory to save extracted file
  --asset-type <asset-type>  Type of assets to extract (all|audio|images) (default: all)
  --from-json <json-file>    Extract assests referenced in json file
  --log-level <level>        Log level (none|info|debug) (default: info)
  --config-file <fileName>   Use config file. Can be JSON or Javascript
  -h, --help                 output usage information

Use heroes-parser elements to view elements in Heroes of the Storm XML files:

Usage: heroes-parser elements <game-directory>

View elements in Heroes of the Storm XML files


  --no-game-dir             Source directory is not the Heroes of the Storm install directory
  --name <name>             Only return elements with element name
  --starts-with <name>      Filter elements by element names that start with 'name'
  -n, --names-only          Only display element names
  -i, --ids-only            Only display element ids
  --find <id>               Find element by id
  -c, --count               Only display the count of matching elements
  --number <number>         Max number of elements to display. (default: 50)
  --config-file <fileName>  Use config file. Can be JSON or Javascript
  -h, --help                output usage information


To convert Hero data into JSON:

import {
} from 'heroes-parser'

// See ParseOptions definition for detailed options
const options = buildParseOptions({
  sourceDir: "path/to/game/directory",
  elementFunctions: BASIC_FUNCTIONS

  .then(sourceData => buildParseData(sourceData, options))
  .then(parseData => {
    const elements = initialElements(parseData)

    return parseElements(elements, parseData)
  .then((heroJSON: any[]) => {
    // Your program