
Node bindings for CascLib


node-casclib has been tested on Windows and Linux. To install using npm

npm install casclib

or with yarn

yarn add casclib


Reading a file synchronously.

import * as casclib from 'casclib'

const storageHandle = casclib.openStorageSync("path/to/game/directory")

const fileData = casclib.readFile("path/to/casc/file")


Read a file asynchronously with promises.

import * as casclib from 'casclib'

  .then(storageHandle => {
    return casclib.readfile("path/to/casc/file")
      .then(fileData => {
        // do things with file data


Read a file asynchronously with callbacks.

import * as casclib from 'casclib'

casclib.openStorage("path/to/game/directory", (error, storageHandle) => {
  if(error) {
    // handle error

  casclib.readFile("path/to/casc/file", (error, fileData) => {
    if(error) {
      // handle error

    // do things with file data



CASC Storage and storage info

Game Names

Possible game name values.

  • Heroes of the Storm
  • World of Warcraft
  • Diablo 3
  • Overwatch
  • Starcraft
  • Starcraft II
  • Unknown

Supported locale values

  • ALL
  • NONE
  • ENUS
  • KOKR
  • FRFR
  • DEDE
  • ZHCN
  • ESES
  • ZHTW
  • ENGB
  • ENCN
  • ENTW
  • ESMX
  • RURU
  • PTBR
  • ITIT
  • PTPT

Object returned by getStorageInfo

  • fileCount number of files
  • gameName name of game
  • gameBuild game build number
  • installedLocales array of installed locale names

Callback signature used by openStorage

(error: Error, storageHandle: any) => void


Synchronously open CASC storage at path

openStorageSync(path: string, locales: string[] = [ 'ALL' ]): any
  • path Path to location of CASC storage
  • locales (defaults to [ 'ALL' ]) Array of strings of valid locales to open
  • returns a handle for the specified CASC storage


Asynchronously open CASC storage for path and locales

openStorage(path: string): Promise<any>
openStorage(path: string, locales: string[]): Promise<any>
openStorage(path: string, callback: OpenStorageCallback): null
openStorage(path: string, locales: string[], callback: OpenStorageCallback): null
  • path Path to location of CASC storage
  • locales (defaults to [ 'ALL' ]) Array of strings of valid locales to open
  • callback (optional) Called after CASC storage has been opened
  • returns Promise if callback is not provided otherwise returns null


Get information about the opened CASC storage

getStorageInfo(storageHandle: any): StorageInfo
  • storageHandle handle returned by either openStorageSync or openStorage
  • returns a StorageInfo object


Close CASC storage

closeStorage(storageHandle: any): void
  • storageHandle handle returned by either openStorageSync or openStorage

Find files


Object returned by findFiles and findFilesSync

  • fullName full path of file
  • baseName file name
  • fileSize size of file


Synchronously search CASC storage for files that match the search pattern.

findFilesSync(storageHandle: any, searchPattern: string = "\*", listFilePath: string = ''): FindResult[]
  • storageHandle handle returned by either openStorageSync or openStorage
  • searchPattern (defaults to "*") Can use * to match any number of characters in the file path or ? to match a single character.
  • listFilePath (defaults to an empty string) path to file containing list of files in the CASC storage (only required for WOW)
  • returns list of FindResults


Asynchronously search CASC storage for files that match the search pattern.

findFiles(storageHandle: any, searchPattern: string): Promise<FindResult[]>
findFiles(storageHandle: any, searchPattern: string, listFilePath: string): Promise<FindResult[]>
findFiles(storageHandle: any, searchpattern: string, callback: FindFilesCallback): null
  • storageHandle handle returned by either openStorageSync or openStorage
  • searchPattern (defaults to "*") Can use * to match any number of characters in the file path or ? to match a single character.
  • listFilePath (defaults to an empty string) path to file containing list of files in the CASC storage (only required for WOW)
  • returns Promise if callback is not provided otherwise returns null

Open and Read files in CASC storage


Callback signature used by openFile.

(error: Error, fileHandle: any) => void

Callback signature used by read and readFile.

(error: Error, fileData: Buffer) => void


Synchronously open CASC file.

openFileSync(storageHandle: any, filePath: string)
  • storageHandle handle returned by either openStorageSync or openStorage
  • filePath CASC file path for file to open
  • returns handle for opened file


Asynchronously open CASC file.

openFile(storageHandle: any, filePath: string): Promise<any>
openFile(storageHandle: any, filePath: string, callback: OpenFileCallback): null
  • storageHandle handle returned by either openStorageSync or openStorage
  • filePath CASC file path for file to open
  • callback (optional) called after file has been opened
  • returns Promise if callback is not provided otherwise returns null


Synchronously read a file in CASC storage.

readSync(fileHandle: any): Buffer
  • fileHandle handle for file to be read
  • returns Buffer with file contents


Asynchronously read a file in CASC storage.

read(fileHandle: any): Promise<Buffer>
read(fileHandle: any, callback: ReadFileCallback): null
  • fileHandle handle for file to be read
  • returns Promise if callback is not provided otherwise returns null


Synchronously read a file in CASC storage.

readFileSync(storageHandle: any, filePath: string): Buffer
  • storageHandle handle returned by either openStorageSync or openStorage
  • filePath CASC file path for file to open
  • returns Buffer with file contents


Asynchronously read a file in CASC storage.

readFile(storageHandle: any, filePath: string): Promise<Buffer>
readFile(storageHandle: any, filePath: string, callback: ReadFileCallback): null
  • storageHandle handle returned by either openStorageSync or openStorage
  • filePath CASC file path for file to read
  • callback (optional) called after file has been opened and read
  • returns Promise if callback is not provided otherwise returns null


Close CASC file

closeFile(fileHandle: any): void
  • storageHandle handle returned by either openStorageSync or openStorage


Readable Stream object used to read files in CASC storage.

  • path path to the file in CASC storage
  • storageHandle handle for CASC storage
  • fileHandle handle for CASC file. If provided path and storageHandle are not required.


Creates a FileReadable.

createReadStream(fileHandle: any, options?: ReadableOptions): Readable
createReadStream(storageHandle: any, filePath: string, options?: ReadableOptions): Readable
  • fileHandle handle for file to be read
  • storageHandle handle returned by either openStorageSync or openStorage
  • filePath - filePath CASC file path for file to read
  • options (optional) stream options see nodejs stream docs for supported options.
  • returns a FileReadable