Treat Your Elves

Collaborators: Justin Hamerly, Katy Roffe, Joe Ivans, Tray Chea


Treat your elves is a web app used for managing secret santa parties. A group admin can create a group, add members to that group, and initiate a function to randomize the secret santa pairings.

Features to be included are a user friendly interface for managing your group, managing your personal wishlist, and a notification system for secret santa deadlines.

User Stories


As a group member I want to be able to add items to my wishlist for my secret santa to view

Feature Tasks:

  • User can add an item to their wishlist
  • All users in the group will be able to view all user wishlist


  • When the user searches for an item, they can click an add button, and the item will be added to their wishlist in a database
  • When a group member is logged in they will see the wishlist of their secret gift recipient


As a group administrator I want to be able to add my group members to the secret santa event

Feature tasks:

  • Admin can create a group and add users to the group
  • Admin has privileges to add and remove members
  • Users cannot add members/can request invitation for new members


  • The admin has an interface for adding and removing members
  • When members are added or removed, the group member list will update
  • Users have a request button, and when they request an add to the group, the admin will receive a request to approve or deny the request


As a group admin, I want to be able to randomly assign everyone in the group a unique member of the group as their secret santa

Feature tasks:

  • Each member of the group is assigned a unique secret santa
  • There are no duplicate secret santas
  • You will not be assigned yourself as your secret santa


  • Group members will each be assigned a random secret santa using an array
    • This will ensure that each member is tied to another unique member
    • The member on the end of the linked list will be linked to index[0] of the array


As a secret santa, I want to be able to revisit the app to view any updates or changes made to my assigned partner

Feature Tasks:

  • Wishlists will be stored on a PostreSQL database
  • The database can receive CRUD requests to make changes and view wishlists


  • When doing CRUD requests, the PostreSQL database will reflect the changes
  • Status messages will be sent back upon successful/unsuccessful database requests


As a group participant, I want to easily be able to view my gift recipients wishlist, as well as be able to add items to my own wishlist.

Feature Tasks:

  • items will be displayed in a user interface with clear buttons for different functions (adding items, viewing items etc)*


  • When interacting with buttons for adding, viewing and removing wishlist items, the behavior is expected and clear


As my secret santa group's admin, I want to easily be able to send out notifications to my group, as well as easily be able to initiate the secret santa pairing

Feature Tasks:

  • implement button for initiating secret santa pairings *
  • implement interface for notifications - deadline for getting items *
  • implement interface for adding users to a group *


  • When interacting with buttons for creating secret santa pairings, some sort of confirmation is given to the admin, and a notification is sent to group members telling them their secret gift recipient *
  • when the admin pushes for a notification to be sent out, the group members receive that notification *
  • when a user's email is input into a form, that user gets added to the "group users" *