##Chipin Project This is the website of Chipin. What s Chipin? It is a student-run start up at NYU in Abu Dhabi. Chipin offers a crowdosurce style food ordering platform where members of the NYUAD community can chip in to order food. Thanks to this service our users avoid high delivery fees and other hassles related to food ordering.

###Development Guidelines 1. Clone this repo: git clone 2. CD to chipin and run npm install: cd chipin && npm install 3. Do npm start to launch the application. Then open your browser and type http://localhost:3000/ 4. Do npm test to run the tests 5. The master branch is the production branch. 6. The development branch is well for development. 6. To make any changes create a new branch, make sure it works before sending a pull request to merger it with the development branch. 7. Write tests for your new features. We use the testing framework mocha

**FOR SECURITY REASONS THE FILE `config.js` was not put on GITHUB. You will need to add it to the cloned repo before you can run the site.

###Important Resources 1. Javascript Style Guide 2. Postgres client for node.