Battleships (or Battleship) is a game where each player has a board upon which they can place a number of ships. The boards are 10x10 two dimensional grid.

After each player has placed their ships on their own board they take turns to shoot on the opponents board. In each round, each player takes a turn to announce a target square in the opponent's grid which is to be shot at. The opponent announces whether or not the square is occupied by a ship, and if it is a hit they mark this on their own primary grid. The attacking player notes the hit or miss on their own tracking grid, in order to build up a picture of the opponent's fleet.

When all of one player's ships have been sunk the game finishes and the player who has ships remaining is the winner.

#User stories#

As a player
So that I can prepare for the game
I would like to place a ship in a board location

As a player
So that I can win the game
I would like to be able to fire at the board

As a player
So that I can win the game
I would like to be able to fire at a ship on a board

As a player
So that I can have a coherent game
I would like ships to be constrained to be on the board

As a player
So that I can have a coherent game
I would like ships to be constrained not to overlap

As a player
So that I know when to finish playing
I would like to know when I have won or lost


As a player
So that I can have a game
I would like there to be a 10 * 10 grid on the board

As a player
So that I can win the game
I would like to be able to fire at my opponents board

As a player
So that I can consider my next shot
I would like an overview of my hits and misses so far

As a player
So that I can play against a human opponent
I would like to play a two-player game

As a player
So that I can play a more interesting game
I would like to have a range of ship sizes to choose from

As a player
So that I can create a layout of ships to fox my opponent
I would like to be able to choose the directions my ships face