
Python c extension to write client server programs using python. The client server programs are rewritten as c libraries which will be installed as shared libraries. Then there is a python binder that will make this libraries avalilable for use with python codes.


building the c shared libraries

cd c_client_server/

mkdir build

cd build

cmake ../

cmake --build .

cmake --install . here we assume that the default installation directory of cmake, which is /usr/local

cd ../../

building the python binder as whl

cd py_binder

python setup.py bdist_wheel

cd ../

installing the python binder

python -m pip install py_binder/dist/clieServModule-1.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl


python server.py

open another terminal and python client.py

type in file name in the client terminal, and the server will send back the contents(text) of the file.