Stan/morpho model to analyze the sensitivity of any experiment where the data can be binned. Specific scripts analyze the sensitivity of Ricochet at the Double Chooz Reactor as an example.
Designed to work with version 1.1.5 of morpho.
You will need to install root in order to have access to pyroot.
The following directories contain files that will be copied and altered when creating new models:
The .yaml configuration files for stan models should be stored here. The
.yaml file will include parameters that will be used for preprocessing,
such as generating fake data, under the header 'preprocessing:'. It will also
include parameters for plots, under the header 'non_morpho_plots:'.
See example_ricochet_rate_analyzer.yaml or example_ricochet_rate_spec_analyzer.yaml
for examples of how .yaml files should be created.
Functions and .csv files specific to the Ricochet experiment, such as spectral
shapes and time dependence shapes. The .yaml file should specifiy the paths
where the relevant files are located.
Stan models (.stan files) are stored here. For example,
binned_data_analysis_1D_1back.stan is a model that takes the inputs from, then runs an analysis of the generated 1-dimensional
data assuming that it results from a single signal and a single background.
binned_data_analysis_2D_4back_tot_bin_var.stan is a model that analyzes
2-dimensional data assuming that it results from one signal and four backgrounds.
This model also allows the total number of counts in each bin to vary by some amount
(if such variation was turned on when preprocessing was done). (The tot_bin_var
version of this model should only be used if the model actually does allow the
counts to fluctuate in each bin because it does run more slowly).
When creating a new analysis, a new model should be created that properly fits
for the correct number of signals and backgrounds, as well as any gaussian
fluctuations in the signals, backgrounds, and counts. The stan models should be
fairly general. For example, binned_data_analysis_1D_2back.stan can be used
to analyze any 1-dimensional data that results from 1 signal and 2 backgrounds,
and allows the signal to gaussian fluctuate by some fraction in each bin, and/or
to fluctuate globally.
Scripts to iterate over configurations and run the analysis for each. For example, copies the example_ricochet_rate_analyzer.yaml script,
then edits the copy to run the analysis with different signal and background
The following directory should not be altered when creating new models:
helper_scripts Can generates the shape of signals and
backgrounds using inputs from a .yaml file, then stores the shapes of
the signals and backgrounds in the data directory. Informational
outputs, such as plots of each background shape, can optionally be
generated and stored. The generated shapes and inputs from a .yaml config
file can then be used to generate fake data. Creates histograms of analysis parameters, correlation
plots, and plots of spectra or rate vs time. Takes inputs from a .yaml file. Contains tools to read and write root files, as well as make
plots using root. Contains tools to read a dictionary from a .yaml file, and
work with that dictionary. Script to run preprocessing, stan, and make plots for
a given .yaml file.
The sample analysis will create the following three directories while running. Sample outputs from ./bash_scripts/ are currently stored here, but these directories could be deleted before running an analysis. The locations of these directories can be edited in the .yaml file:
Information about signals and backgrounds, such as shapes and uncertanties,
will be stored here. Generated fake data will be stored here. Diagnostic outputs
and plots, such as plots of signal and background shapes, can also be stored. Nothing
in this folder should be edited by hand, because it will all be generated
by scripts in the helper_scripts folder.
Outputs will be stored here. Specifically, stan will store a .root file with
distributions of parameters, a .pkl file, and a cache_name_file.
will then store plots and a table of the results.
cached stan models will be stored here, so the model does not have to be recompiled
every time it is run.
Once you have created a yaml_script, the following commands run the analysis and create plots:
python helper_scripts/ -c $yaml_script
morpho -c $yaml_script
python ./helper_scripts/ -c $yaml_script
To run the rate only ricochet analysis, use the script ./bash_scripts/ Edit the variable virtualenv_script to point to the activation script for the virtualenv environment that you set up when installing stan. Then run the script from the top directory. This will use ./scripts/example_ricochet_rate_analyzer.yaml to do preprocessing, run stan, and create plots with and both iterate over different signal and background magnitudes, doing preprocessing, running stan, and creating plots for each signal and background combination. In order to get these to run, you should just need to update the variable virtualenv_script. However, these do have other variables that can be altered to change the runs. Note that these copy the .yaml file before editing it, so these can safely be run without altering the initial .yaml file.
./bash_scripts/ricochet_analysis/ will sequentially run all configurations that went into the paper "Coherent Neutrino Scattering with Low Temperature Bolometers at Chooz Reactor Complex." Note that each configuration is run many times with a single chain. This is so you can check the output plots to discard any chains that did not properly converge, then average the results of the remaining chains to get final results.
The results that went into the paper can be accessed at: