
A Discord bot for generating memes

Primary LanguageRust


MemeBot is a Discord bot that can help you and your users make memes. Using a set of owner-defined templates, users can use the +meme command to generate memes at will.

If you want MemeBot on your server, there is a public instance that uses the prefix +memebot (e.g. the command +help becomes +memebot help) to avoid prefix conflicts.

Invite it with this link.

Example commands

Users can run commands like:

+meme rare "a farmed jungle legion"

Output: Output example


+meme scroll "You can't rewrite everything in Rust"

Output: Output example


Clone this repo and run with cargo run. Be sure that you check the Configuring section to add a config.toml file for your bot to use.


The bot looks for a file called config.toml in your current working directory, and won't run without it. config.toml should look something like example_config.toml. For your convenience, you can rename example_config.toml to config.toml and then fill in your token, etc. Note that multiple prefixes are supported, but the first prefix provided will be the "default prefix" and will be shown in examples.


Templates are TOML files loaded from the ./templates/ directory (relative to the current working directory) and provide a description of all the content that goes into a meme. Templates start with the required fields kind, name, short_name, and image. name and short_name help identify the template, but only short_name is used to actually invoke the template. image is a path to the base image to add to (relative to the template file itself). After that, features are listed. Features are parts of a template that can be filled in by users, and are what allow the bot to have unique content generated. Features can be Text, Image, or Either features. Text features act as simple text-boxes, whereas Image features are areas for images to be pasted on. All features use the x, y, w, and h properties (as well as rotation, optionally) to define the rectangle that text or images can be overlaid within.

Template Manifest Spec

Property Type Required Description
name String Required The long, descriptive name to show alongside generated images.
short_name String Required The short, easy name to use with commands.
aliases String List Optional A list of aliases that this template can also be invoked with.
image Path String Required The base image to build templates from. The path is relative to this template.
features List Required A list of features to put on the template.

Feature Dict Spec

A feature is a TOML dictionary. Each feature can have the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
kind String Required The type of feature this is. Can be Text, Image, or Either.
x int Required The x-coordinate of the top-left corner of this feature, in pixels.
y int Required The y-coordinate of the top-left corner of this feature, in pixels.
w int Required The width of this feature, in pixels.
h int Required The height of this feature, in pixels.
rotation float Optional The rotation of this feature, in degrees. Features are rotated around their top-left corner.

Image-specific properties

These properties are specific to Image and Either features, and will be ignored in Text features.

Property Type Required Description
stretch bool Optional Whether to stretch the target image to fit the provided rect. Stretching will not maintain the image's aspect ratio. Defaults to false.
mask Path String Optional A path to a mask image. Mask images are grayscale, and must match the dimensions of the template image. The mask will be applied to this feature only, and parts of the mask that are not white will cause those parts of the feature be masked out in generated images. Leaving this off will result in no masking.

Text-specific properties

These properties are specific to Text and Either features, and will be ignored in Image features.

Property Type Required Description
font_size int Required The maximum font size to use in generated images, in pixels.
alignment String Optional The text alignment to use. Defaults to Left, but can be Left, Center, or Right.
font_color [int, int, int, int] Optional An array four integers 0-255 long representing the font color to use. Channels are R, G, B, A. Defaults to [0, 0, 0, 255].
margin_left int Optional How many pixels from the left text should be offset by. Useful for Either features where the rect should fill up a whole space, but text may need some space from the edges.
margin_top int Optional How many pixels from the top text should be offset by. Useful for Either features where the rect should fill up a whole space, but text may need some space from the edges.
margin_right int Optional How many pixels from the right text should be offset by. Useful for Either features where the rect should fill up a whole space, but text may need some space from the edges.
margin_bottom int Optional How many pixels from the bottom text should be offset by. Useful for Either features where the rect should fill up a whole space, but text may need some space from the edges.

Example template

whowouldwin.toml from ./templates:

name="Who Would Win"
kind="Image" #the first image
kind="Text" #its caption

kind="Image" #the second image
kind="Text" #its caption


From the output of +help:

  help - Lists all the commands or gives specific help for one command.
  list - Lists all the templates to choose from.
  meme - Generates an image based on a template.
  tip - Replies with a pro-tip for using the bot.
  prefix - List all the prefixes you can reach the bot with.
  invite - Replies with a link to invite me to your server.
  info - Gets more specific information about a template.