
Former blog deployment using Django, hosted on ec2 then latterly Raspberry Pi.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a dockerised Django blog application, it features a content management system using django markdown which can be managed using the django admin interface.

It uses the following Docker images:

  • Python Alpine
  • Nginx-proxy server
  • letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companian
  • PostgreSQL (for development only, the production docker-compose.prod.yml assumes a system install of PostgreSQL)

To run the containers you will need to set up a .env.dev file in the project root, you can then use docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build -d

Note - this is no longer use as my current blog, django is great for many things, but after deploying this on my raspberry pi, I soon learnt there are much better (simpler) ways of building a blog than Django.
