
ITESM Summer Object Oriented Programming Course

Primary LanguageJava


ITESM Summer Object Oriented Programming Course

Projects and Challenges (marked down the ones included here with solution)

  • Simple Human
  • Robot Fights
  • Coffee Store
  • Videogame Store
  • Encryption 📆
  • Human Implementation (with fighting) 📆
  • Tank with liquid density 📆
  • Spaceship 💣
  • WebServerAndClient 💣
  • UML Robots 📆
  • Robot specification to File 📆
  • User and password look up in file to access 📆
  • Videogame Store extension with Offers and Payments (solved with example of UI) 💣
  • Sim City calculating pollution and population 💣
  • Calculator with trigonometric function 📆
  • Robot update from interface with images 📆
  • System process execution with java 📆
  • User Interface for Spaceship Program 💣
  • User Interface for Premier League Analyzer 💣
  • Brute force password list 📆
  • Free fall physics simulation 📆
  • SFX Browser Navigation 📆

Special challenges (they will count more than what was specified on day 1)

  • Battle for the middle earth 💰
  • Google maps handler on swing interface 💰
  • Chat communication system 💰

Update 09-06-19

Put all the code of the Exams with notes for each one on main class.

Update: 10-06-19

Check the updated exams, still missing coding the WebServerAndClient but Spaceship is already done.

Update 12-06-19

Updated exams from first week, check them out to see the implementation. WebServerAndClient

Robot UML: UML Diagram

Update 13-06-19

Battle for middle earth: In this program, Orcs and Elfs will have to fight. Orcs and Elfs are CREATURES of the Middle Earth, and they should be modeled as such. Trolls are around and can EAT any CREATURE in Middle Earth.

Orcs and Elfs start around a 100x100 unit grid (logically) in which they can get together and start walking as a horde. Two Creatures cannot be occupying the same place at the same time, so, when moving, be careful that the position the creature is heading to, does not have another creature already.

To determine if orcs or elfs can make a horde, the distance between them must be 5. Once they are a horde, advancing is slower (average of all speeds) and the future position must be in function of the centroid (avergage of their X's and Y's separately).

If an Orc and an Elf meet in Middle Earth, they will start a fight. If two hordes meet each other, one orc will stand against one elf. If there are more creatures on one side, one of the guys on the other side will die. If the struggle is 3 against 1, the 1 will die. Any other case is left to interpretation by developer.

To fight, each creature has a combination of strength and magic. Elfs have multiply-by-2 on magic and orcs have a multiply-by-3 on strength. These specs are determined upon creature birth (instantiation) and are random according to the following table:

Orc: Strength[50-140] Magic[1-10] Elf: Strength[20-50] Magic[60-120]

These can be modified if anything of the next events happen: Orc finds Weapon : strength +30 Orc fins Amulet: destroys Amulet Elf finds Weapon: strength + 10 Elf find Amulet : magic +40

There are at least 4 Weapons and 4 Amulets randomly put on the grid. In the fights is possible that both creatures die. The damage they receive is according to the following formula: DamageDoneByOrc = Strength0.7+Magic0.3 (considering any updates of amulets and weapons) DamageDoneByElfs = Strength0.2+Magic0.8 (considering any updates of amulets and weapons)

The max life of each creature is according to: ORC: 1000-2500 ELF: 1500-2000

There are some special HEALERS: items that will recover 50% of life. The damage done by a creature to the other creature, unless they find a HEALER, will not recover.

The game will end when there's no more creatures of one side.

Is important to note that when there is a horde, the move is going to be towards the nearest single enemy. When a creature is not in a horde, it moves randomly changing its direction vector each 5 days or when it has found the world's end. If there are just hordes missing, they will follow the nearest one.

Update 17-06-2019

Uploaded JInterface reference folder to check how UIs are created. Listeners reference External link

Added links, tools and examples

UI1: extension

UI2: creation

UI3: auxiliary Canvas

Final Project

Conceptual requirements

  • Must be a full program that really has a utility
  • Should be done for a client (could be parents, friends, business)
  • Could have images (not needed)
  • Must be able to start from scratch
  • The concept should be accepted by teacher prior to Wednesday june 26

Technical requirements

  • Includes a UI done in Java with panels, windows, texfields, buttons, lists, and two components that haven't been seen before in class
  • Must have Menus
  • Must read files and write files (at least two)
  • Must have at least 12 classes divided in packages
  • When starting, it should check if files are in place. If they are not, create some default.
  • For the different entities, there should be CRUD operations (create, retrieve, update, delete). IE: if there is a Videogame Entity, there should be a place to add new videogames, update their properties and delete them for good.
  • Must have at least one "BACKUP" function that outputs every piece of information to Files.

Grade (Value: 200 points)

  • Idea accepted (10)
  • Tool's Clear utility (20)
  • More than 12 classes (20)
  • CRUD operations for entities (40)
  • File Writing (10)
  • File Reading (10)
  • Backup from everything (30)
  • Start from scratch (15)
  • Use of all interface elements (15)
  • Use of menus for operations (15)
  • Client (15)


  • Great User interface including icons and images (20)
  • Sockets and web views

Practical Exam

Download from here SEASON DATA

Remember the selection of the table.

Update 23-06-2019

Google maps on swing controller

Generate an interface between buttons on Java and a WebNavigation Component. This has to be done with a texfield to set the original place, and the textfield to set the destination. The button will send this to the javascript in the page, that will call the google code to show the route. Add a Reset button.

Chat system

Generate a chat system in which, using sockets, a communication between two computers is possible. The interface must have a lobby in which a user inputs a username. When the user has already finished, it will connect to the room, the interface will show at least three components: a text area (to show the messages), a textfield (to input the messages) and a button to send the messages. Remember that the solution comprises of at least two CLASS files, the server and the UI client.

Grades and points
