
Repository for an explainable decision tree ensemble based algorithm

Primary LanguagePython

Semisupervised Multilabel Tree Ensemble

This github includes the code for "An explainable method based on a Decision Tree Ensemble with Variance Reduction for Semi-supervised Multi-label classification".

Code was tested on python3.7. This, or a superior version, is the recommended setting to run it.

To run the code, the run.py script is the main point of execution. With the code, there are two subsets of emotions dataset (Trohidis K, Tsoumakas G et al, 2008), taken out from MULAN Databases (Multilabel Datasets, 2019).


A common setup for the datasets should be: dataset-train.csv : csv that includes ONLY traning data, features and labels dataset-test.csv : vsc that includes ONLY test data, features and labels label_columns.cols : comma delimited list of the labels column names


The code needs the following packages:

pip install scikit-learn

MLSSVRForectPredictor.py includes the MLSSVRForestPredictor class that extends from scikit's BaseEstimator and ClassifierMixin. This allows to include the method on scikit pipelines and other tools. As the methods fit, predict and predict_proba are implemented, scoring analysis and parameter search routines can be performed with the proposed technique.

A very important consideration is that the model needs a similarity matrix. An implementation of how to get this is already done in run.py along with a full setup to measure model AUC (using scikit's and a reimplementation based on ESMC matlab method) (Akbarnejad A.H., Baghshah M.S. , 2019)

In order to execute run from shell, a command like this:

python run.py ./ emotions 0.1 0.3 experiment_svm true

This means:

  1. folder (./) : dataset root folder. The program will use the folder to output a series of files and find the dataset csv's
  2. name of the file (emotions). The program will look for a file with this name. If parameter (6) is true, then it will look for -test.csv and -training.csv
  3. data-test (0.1): prcentage of training data that will use for testing. This parameter is ignored if parameter (6) is true
  4. data unlabeled size (0.3): prcentage of training data that will become unsupervised. Automatically all of its labels will become -1.
  5. Experiment name (experiment_svm): output statistical and chart files will prefix with this name.
  6. Training and Testing Divided (true): when files are already divided this should be true. When there's just a single file and training and testing sets have to be divided, parameter should be false.

Compatibility matrix is calculated on a different dataframe than the original labels. Internally, MLSSVRForectPredictor will reset the labels from the unlabeled index rows to -1.

Alternatively explain.py is also included within this files. The call for the command would look like:

python explain.py ./ emotions 0.1 0.3 experiment_svm true

This script requires the files generated by run.py (tree__explanation.txt) in the dataset folder. This command will generate the quality measures for the different mined rules taken out from the decision trees. Can look up to 1000 trees (hardcoded limit).

Parameters on the model

  • Trees Quantity : amount of trees to calculate, common options are 50,100. Literature reports up to 250 as ideal.
  • Division op : tests for other optimization measures, leave it in max for paper results.
  • Complete ss : left for optional implementation, leave it on True.
  • Alpha : Penalization for unbalaced nodes (|left|>>|right| or viceversa). 0 means no penalization, 1 means full penalization.
  • Leaf relative instance quantity : Amount of nodes (%) that will be the minimum acceptable for a node to be spawned
  • Unlabeled index : row index that will be considered to set all labels to -1
  • Compatibility Matrix Dataframe that references every node against each other. The cells contain the intersection over union index (jaccard) for the nodes. Nodes that are being considered as unsupervised set -1 to the cell.
