
Hybrid Recommender System for Computer Science Papers | Master's Thesis Project 2023

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The readnext package provides a hybrid recommender system for computer science papers. Its main objective is to suggest relevant research papers based on a given query document you might be currently exploring, streamlining your journey to discover more intriguing academic literature.

It is part of my master's thesis, "Bridging Citation Analysis and Language Models: A Hybrid Recommender System for Computer Science Papers", submitted to the University of Göttingen on September 26th, 2023, as a requirement for the Master of Science in Applied Statistics. The thesis was supervised by Dr. Corinna Breitinger and Dr. Terry Ruas from the Chair for Scientific Information Analytics at the University of Göttingen.

Find instructions on how to install, setup, and use the readnext package with a brief overview of its functionality below. For more detailed information about usage, customization and reproducibility, check out the documentation.

The motivation, theoretical background and results of this project are presented in the thesis. The accompanying repository contains the LaTeX source code as well as the code to generate all figures and diagrams in the thesis.

Quick Links

Quick Look

from readnext import readnext, LanguageModelChoice, FeatureWeights

result = readnext(
    # `Attention is all you need` query paper

candidate_d3_document_id weighted_points title author arxiv_labels integer_label semanticscholar_url arxiv_url publication_date publication_date_points citationcount_document citationcount_document_points citationcount_author citationcount_author_points co_citation_analysis_score co_citation_analysis_points bibliographic_coupling_score bibliographic_coupling_points
11212020 80.3 Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate Yoshua Bengio ['cs.CL' 'cs.LG' 'cs.NE' 'stat.ML'] 1 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/fa72afa9b2cbc8f0d7b05d52548906610ffbb9c5 https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.0473 2014-09-01 0 19996 88 372099 100 45 93 4 95
7961699 70.9 Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks Ilya Sutskever ['cs.CL' 'cs.LG'] 1 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/cea967b59209c6be22829699f05b8b1ac4dc092d https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.3215 2014-09-10 0 15342 83 234717 0 25 86 5 97
1629541 58.9 Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation Trevor Darrell ['cs.CV'] 0 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/317aee7fc081f2b137a85c4f20129007fd8e717e https://arxiv.org/abs/1411.4038 2014-11-14 0 25471 91 142117 0 20 81 0 49
206593880 57.9 Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision Christian Szegedy ['cs.CV'] 0 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/23ffaa0fe06eae05817f527a47ac3291077f9e58 https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.00567 2015-12-02 0 16562 85 128072 0 21 83 0 49
10716717 56.8 Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection Kaiming He ['cs.CV'] 0 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/b9b4e05faa194e5022edd9eb9dd07e3d675c2b36 https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.03144 2016-12-09 0 10198 70 251467 0 14 71 1 72
6287870 55.7 TensorFlow: A system for large-scale machine learning J. Dean ['cs.DC' 'cs.AI'] 0 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/46200b99c40e8586c8a0f588488ab6414119fb28 https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.08695 2016-05-27 0 13266 77 115104 0 4 33 7 99
3429309 52.8 DeepLab: Semantic Image Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Nets, Atrous Convolution, and Fully Connected CRFs A. Yuille ['cs.CV'] 0 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/cab372bc3824780cce20d9dd1c22d4df39ed081a https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.00915 2016-06-02 0 9963 69 64894 0 9 57 1 72
4555207 52.8 MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks Liang-Chieh Chen ['cs.CV'] 0 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/dd9cfe7124c734f5a6fc90227d541d3dbcd72ba4 https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.04381 2018-01-13 0 7925 56 39316 0 10 60 2 82

See the Usage section for more details and examples.

Table of Contents


Currently, the readnext package is not available on PyPI but can be installed directly from GitHub.

This project requires Python 3.10. Earlier versions of Python are not supported. Future support for higher versions will be available once the torch and transformers libraries are fully compatible with Python 3.11 and beyond.

# via HTTPS
pip install git+https://github.com/joel-beck/readnext.git#egg=readnext

# via SSH
pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/joel-beck/readnext.git#egg=readnext

If you are interested in customizing the readnext package to your own needs, learn about some tips for an efficient development workflow in the documentation.


Note: This section provides only a surface-level overview of the project. For a more detailed presentation, see chapter 3 of the thesis.

Hybrid Recommender

Hybrid Recommender

The Hybrid Recommender involves a Citation Recommender that combines global document characteristics and citation-based features of papers, and a Language Recommender that employs a language model to generate embeddings from paper abstracts.

The hybrid recommender combines the Citation Recommender and the Language Recommender in a cascade fashion, i.e. one is used to generate a candidate list which is then re-ranked by the other recommender.

The candidate lists and final rankings of both hybrid orderings are evaluated using the Mean Average Precision (MAP) metric. The objectives of the evaluation are:

  1. Identify the best feature weights for the Citation Recommender.
  2. Identify the best language model for the Language Recommender.
  3. Assess whether the hybridization ordering, i.e. if the Citation or the Language Recommender is applied first, influences the Hybrid Recommender's performance.

Citation Recommender

Citation Recommender

The Citation Recommender uses three global document features and two citation-based features:

  1. Global Document Features

    These features are derived from the document metadata:

    • Publication Date: A novelty metric. Recent publications score higher, as they build upon earlier papers and compare their findings with existing results.

    • Paper Citation Count: A document popularity metric. Papers with more citations are, on average and without any prior knowledge, considered more valuable and relevant.

    • Author Citation Count: An author popularity metric. Authors with higher total citations across their publications are deemed more important in the research community.

  2. Citation-Based Features

    • Bibliographic Coupling: Counts the number of shared references or shared cited papers, i.e. papers that appear in the bibliography of both the query and the candidate paper. Candidate documents with higher bibliographic coupling scores are considered more relevant to the query document.

    • Co-Citation Analysis: Counts the number of shared citations, which in this context is equivalent to shared citing papers. These are papers that themselves cite both the query and the candidate paper. Candidate documents with higher co-citation analysis scores are considered more relevant to the query document.

      Co-Citation Analysis vs. Bibliographic Coupling
      Left: Bibliographic coupling counts the number of shared references. Paper A and Paper B are connected by bibliographic coupling since they both cite the same Paper C. Right: Co-citation analysis counts the number of shared citing papers. Here, Paper A and Paper B are connected by co-citation analysis since they are both cited by Paper C.

Feature Weighting

The five features of the Citation Recommender are combined linearly with user-specified feature weights. The weights are normalized with the L1 norm, ensuring the results are not affected by the absolute magnitude of the weights. A caveat of this approach is that the raw feature values, such as the publication date (represented as a date) and the paper citation count (an integer), are not directly comparable. To aggregate all five features into a single score, a rank-based method is used.

The Citation Recommender first ranks all candidate papers according to each of the five features individually. The ranking process assigns the top rank 1 to the most relevant candidate paper and increments the rank by 1 for each subsequent paper. Candidate papers with more recent publication dates, higher citation counts, higher co-citation analysis and higher bibliographic coupling scores receive better rankings.

Finally, those candidate papers with the lowest weighted rank are recommended to the user.

Note: The true weighting scheme involves some additional steps that add interpretability but are conceptually equivalent to the version described above. See chapter 3.3 of the thesis for more details.

Language Recommender

Language Recommender

The Language Recommender encodes paper abstracts into embedding vectors to capture semantic meaning. Candidate papers with embeddings most similar to the query embedding (measured by cosine similarity) are recommended.

8 language models across 3 categories are implemented: keyword-based sparse embedding models, static embedding models, and contextual embedding models.

Keyword-based models

They produce sparse vector embeddings where the embedding dimension equals the vocabulary size of all document abstracts in the training corpus. For these models, text preprocessing and tokenization is performed by the spaCy library using the en_core_web_sm model.

The following keyword-based models are considered:

  • TF-IDF: Implemented with scikit-learn according to the formula:

    $$\text{TF-IDF}(t, d) = \text{TF}(t, d) \cdot \text{IDF}(t)$$


    $$\text{TF}(t, d) = \text{count}(t, d)$$


    $$\text{IDF}(t) = \log\left(\frac{1 + N}{1 + \text{DF}(t)} + 1\right)$$


    • $t$ is a token,
    • $d$ is a document,
    • $\text{TF}(t, d)$ is the term frequency of token $t$ in document $d$ (interpreted as the relative frequency of a term in a document),
    • $\text{IDF}(t)$ is the inverse document frequency of token $t$ across all documents in the training corpus,
    • $\text{count}(t, d)$ is the count of token $t$ in document $d$,
    • $\text{DF}(t)$ is the document frequency of token $t$ (the number of documents in the corpus that contain the term $t$),
    • $N$ is the total number of documents in the corpus.

    Finally, the TF-IDF vectors are normalized to unit length by the Euclidean norm.

  • BM25: Implemented in the BM25+ variant as proposed by (Lv & Zhai, 2011) and described in (Trotman et al., 2014).

    The formula is:

    $$\text{BM25}(t, d) = \text{BM25-TF}(t, d) \cdot \text{BM25-IDF}(t)$$


    $$\text{BM25-TF}(t, d) = \frac{(k + 1) \cdot \text{TF}(t, d)}{k \cdot (1 - b + b \cdot (\text{len}(d) / \text{avgdl})) + \text{TF}(t, d)} + \delta$$


    $$\text{BM25-IDF}(t) = \log\left(\frac{N+1}{\text{DF}(t)}\right)$$


    • $t$ is a token,
    • $d$ is a document,
    • $\text{BM25-TF}(t, d)$ is the BM25+ term frequency of token $t$ in document $d$,
    • $\text{BM25-IDF}(t)$ is the BM25+ inverse document frequency of token $t$ across all documents in the training corpus,
    • $\text{TF}(t, d)$ is the term frequency of token $t$ in document $d$ (interpreted as the relative frequency of a term in a document),
    • $\text{DF}(t)$ is the document frequency of token $t$ (the number of documents in the corpus that contain the term $t$),
    • $\text{len}(d)$ is the total number of tokens in document $d$,
    • $\text{avgdl}$ is the average document length across the corpus,
    • $N$ is the total number of documents in the corpus,
    • $k$, $b$, and $\delta$ are free parameters.

    Default values of $k = 1.5$, $b = 0.75$, and $\delta = 1.0$ are adapted from the rank_bm25 package.

Static embedding models

They produce dense vector embeddings where the embedding dimension is fixed (here set to the default of 300) and independent of the vocabulary size. Word embeddings are averaged dimension-wise to obtain a single embedding vector for each abstract. Again, spaCy is used for text preprocessing and tokenization. All three static embedding models are pretrained and implemented via their gensim interface:

  • Word2Vec: Pretrained on the Google News corpus using the word2vec-google-news-300 gensim model.
  • GloVe: Pretrained on the Gigaword corpus and Wikipedia using the glove.6B.300d model from the NLP Stanford GloVe project.
  • FastText: Pretrained on the Common Crawl corpus and Wikipedia using the cc.en.300.bin model from the FastText Website.

Contextual embedding models

Similar to static embedding models, they produce dense vector embeddings where the embedding dimension is fixed (here set to the default of 768) and independent of the vocabulary size. Instead of string tokens, contextual embedding models take integer token IDs as input which are mapped to words and subwords and learned during pretraining. All three static embedding models are pretrained and implemented via the HuggingFace transformers library:

  • BERT: Pretrained on the BooksCorpus and English Wikipedia using the bert-base-uncased model.
  • SciBERT: Pretrained on the Semantic Scholar corpus (i.e. specific to scientific language) using the allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased model.
  • Longformer: Pretrained on the BooksCorpus and English Wikipedia using the allenai/longformer-base-4096 model.

Instead of averaging word embeddings like static embedding models, these Transformer based models cut off the document abstracts at a maximum token length of 512 for BERT and SciBERT and 4096 for the Longformer model. However, only 0.58% of all abstracts in the training corpus exceed the maximum token length of 512 such that the impact of this cutoff is negligible.


To determine whether the Hybrid Recommender generates relevant or irrelevant recommendations, arXiV categories are used as labels. Within the Computer Science domain there are 40 different arXiV categories, such as cs.AI for Artificial Intelligence or cs.CL for Computation and Language. Importantly, each paper is not constrained to a single category but can be assigned to multiple categories.

Based on these labels, a binary classification task is defined: A candidate paper is considered a relevant recommendation if it shares at least one arXiV label with the query paper, and irrelevant otherwise. For instance, if the query paper is assigned to the cs.CL and cs.IR categories, the candidate paper BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding by Devlin et al. (2018) is considered a relevant recommendation because it is assigned to the cs.CL category. Hence, there is an overlap between the query and candidate paper's arXiV labels. In contrast, the candidate paper Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition by He et al. (2016) is considered an irrelevant recommendation because it is only assigned to the cs.CV category, which does not overlap with any of the query paper's categories.

Evaluation Metrics

The Mean Average Precision (MAP) is used as the primary evaluation metric to assess the performance of the Hybrid Recommender.

Although many evaluation metrics are available for recommender systems, the MAP is chosen due to the following reasons:

  1. It takes the order of recommendations into account, i.e. it is not only important to recommend relevant items but also to recommend them early in the list.
  2. All items on the recommendation list are considered, i.e. it is not only important to recommend relevant items but also to avoid irrelevant items.
  3. It works well with binary 0/1 encoded labels as in our case for irrelevant/relevant recommendations.

The Average Precision (AP) computes a scalar score for a single recommendation list according to the following definitions:


$$\text{Precision} = \frac{\text{number of relevant items}}{\text{number of items}}$$

Average Precision (AP)

$$\text{AP} = \frac{1}{r} \sum_{k=1}^{K} P(k) \cdot \text{rel}(k)$$


  • $K$ is the total number of items,
  • $r$ is the total number of relevant items,
  • $P(k)$ is the precision at $k$,
  • $\text{rel}(k)$ is 1 if item $k$ is relevant and 0 otherwise.

If the labels are binary 0/1 encoded as in our case, the formula simplifies to:

$$\text{AP} = \frac{1}{r} \sum_{k=1}^{K} \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{k} \text{rel}(i)}{k}$$

The Mean Average Precision is then computed as the average over the Average Precision scores for the recommendations of all query documents in the training corpus.

Mean Average Precision (MAP)

$$\text{MAP} = \frac{1}{Q} \sum_{q=1}^{Q} \text{AP}(q)$$


  • $Q$ is the total number of query documents,
  • $\text{AP}(q)$ is the average precision for query document $q$.

Within this project, the MAP computes a scalar score for a given combination of Language Model Choice and Feature Weights. Thus, to determine which Recommender order works best within the Hybrid structure, we could e.g. aggregate the MAP scores for each order over all Language Model Choices and Feature Weights.


The recommendation list [relevant, irrelvant, relevant] has a Precision of $P = \frac{2}{3}$ and an Average Precision of $AP = \frac{1}{2} \cdot (\frac{1}{1} + \frac{2}{3}) = \frac{5}{6}$.

The recommendation list [relevant, relevant, irrelevant] has a Precision of $P = \frac{2}{3}$ and an Average Precision of $AP = \frac{1}{2} \cdot (\frac{1}{1} + \frac{2}{2}) = 1$.

The MAP of these two rankings is $MAP = \frac{1}{2} \cdot (\frac{5}{6} + 1) = \frac{11}{12}$.


To execute all scripts and reproduce project results, some local downloads are necessary as prerequisites, including data files and pretrained models.


There are three data sources for this project:

  1. D3 Dataset

    The D3 DBLP Discovery Dataset is a compilation of metadata for over 6 million computer science papers. It is the primary data source for this project. All three global document features as well as the paper abstracts are provided by this dataset.

    The dataset consists of two files with information about documents and authors, respectively. They can be downloaded from the Zenodo repository.

  2. Arxiv Labels

    Arxiv categories are used as labels for evaluating the Hybrid Recommender's performance. A binary classification task is defined: A candidate paper is considered a relevant recommendation if it shares at least one arXiV label with the query paper, and irrelevant otherwise. Arxiv labels are extracted from the arxiv-metadata-oai-snapshot.json dataset on Kaggle.

  3. Citation Information

    To obtain individual citations and references to compute co-citation analysis and bibliographic coupling scores, the Semantic Scholar API is fetched. A private API key is recommended for a higher request rate.


The following pretrained Word2Vec, GloVe, and FastText models are used as static embedding models:

Environment Variables

readnext needs to know the locations of local data and model files in your file system, which can be stored in any directory. User-specific information is provided through environment variables. The .env_template file in the project root directory contains a template for the expected environment variables with default values (except for the Semantic Scholar API key):

# .env_template



Explanation of the environment variables:

  • DOCUMENTS_METADATA_FILENAME and AUTHORS_METADATA_FILENAME correspond to the downloaded D3 dataset files, ARXIV_METADATA_FILENAME to the downloaded arxiv dataset file.
  • SEMANTICSCHOLAR_API_KEY represents the API key for the Semantic Scholar API.
  • DATA_DIRPATH is the directory path for all local data files, including downloaded and generated data files.
  • MODELS_DIRPATH is the directory path for all pretrained model files.
  • RESULTS_DIRPATH is the directory path for all stored result files, such as tokenized abstracts, numeric embeddings of abstracts, and precomputed co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, and cosine similarity scores.

Setup Scripts

The inference step of the readnext package leverages preprocessed and precomputed data such that all recommender features and abstract embeddings are readily available. To generate these files locally, run the following setup scripts in the specified order. All scripts are located in the readnext/scripts directory.

  1. Dataset Construction

    These scripts are located in the readnext/scripts/data directory.

    1. s1_read_raw_data.py: Reads documents, authors and arxiv metadata from raw JSON files and write it out into Parquet format.
    2. s2_merge_arxiv_labels.py: Merges the arxiv metadata with the D3 dataset via the arxiv id. Adds arxiv labels as new feature to the dataset which are later used as ground-truth labels for the recommender system.
    3. s3_merge_authors.py: Adds the author citationcount to the dataset and selects the most popular author for each document.
    4. s4_add_citations.py: Sends requests to the semanticscholar API to obtain citation and reference urls for all documents in the dataset and add them as features to the dataframe.
    5. s5_add_ranks.py: Adds rank features for global document characteristics (publication date, document citation count and author citation count) to the dataset and selects a subset of the most cited documents for the final dataset.

All further script paths are relative to the readnext/scripts/modeling directory.

  1. Citation Models

    1. run_co_citation_analysis.py: Precomputes co-citation analysis scores for all document pairs in the dataset.
    2. bibliographic_coupling.py: Precomputes bibliographic coupling scores for all document pairs in the dataset.
  2. Language Models

    1. tokenizer/run_tokenizer.py: Tokenizes the abstracts of all documents in the dataset by four different tokenizers into the appropriate format for all eight language models.
    2. embedder/run_embedder_*.py: These scripts generate sparse or dense numeric embeddings of all document abstracts for each language model. The process is split into separate scripts for each model to allow for easy parallelization.
    3. cosine_similarities/run_cosine_similarities_*.py: Precomputes cosine similarity scores for all document pairs in the dataset for each language model. Again, multiple scripts are used for parallelization purposes.

    Note that the run_embedder_*.py and run_cosine_similarities_*.py scripts are independent between different language models! That means that you can run a subset of scripts only for those language models that you want to use for the recommender system. For example, if you are only interested in the Longformer language model, it is sufficient to run the scripts run_embedder_longformer.py and run_cosine_similarities_longformer.py in steps ii. and iii., respectively.


The user interface for generating recommendations is designed to be simple and easy to use. It relies on the top-level readnext() function, which takes two required and one optional keyword argument:

  • An identifier for the query paper. This can be the Semanticscholar ID, Semanticscholar URL, Arxiv ID, or Arxiv URL of the paper. This argument is required and should be provided as a string.

    Term Definition:

    • The Semanticscholar ID is a 40-digit hexadecimal string at the end of the Semanticscholar URL after the last forward slash. For example, the Semanticscholar ID for the URL https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/67c4ffa7f9c25e9e0f0b0eac5619070f6a5d143d is 67c4ffa7f9c25e9e0f0b0eac5619070f6a5d143d.
    • The Arxiv ID is a 4-digit number followed by a dot followed by a 5-digit number at the end of the Arxiv URL after the last forward slash. For example, the Arxiv ID for the URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1234.56789 is 1234.56789.
  • The language model choice for the Language Recommender, which is used to tokenize and embed the query paper's abstract. This argument is required and should be passed using the LanguageModelChoice Enum, which provides autocompletion for all eight available language models.

  • The feature weighting for the Citation Recommender. This argument is optional and is submitted using an instance of the FeatureWeights class. If not specified, the five features (publication_date, citationcount_document, citationcount_author, co_citation_analysis, and bibliographic_coupling) are given equal weights of one. Note that the weights are normalized to sum up to one, so the absolute values are irrelevant; only the relative ratios matter.


Inference works for both 'seen' and 'unseen' query documents, depending on whether the query document is part of the training corpus or not.

Seen Query Paper

If the query paper is part of the training corpus, all feature values are precomputed and inference is fast.

In the Quick Look example at the beginning, we have already obtained recommendations for the query paper "Attention is all you need" by Vaswani et al. (2017) using the FastText language model and custom feature weights.

Assuming we have read the top recommendation "Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate" by Yoshua Bengio, we can continue our reading flow by extracting the identifier for the previously recommended paper from the semantischolar_url or arxiv_url columns of the previous output. In this case, we use the SciBERT language model and the default feature weights of 1 for each feature:

from readnext import readnext, LanguageModelChoice, FeatureWeights

result = readnext(
    # `Attention is all you need` query paper

# extract one of the paper identifiers from the previous top recommendation
semanticscholar_url = result.recommendations.citation_to_language[0, "semanticscholar_url"]

result_seen_query = readnext(

A message is printed to the console indicating that the query paper is part of the training corpus:

> ╭──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
> │                                                  │
> │ Query document is contained in the training data │
> │                                                  │
> ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────╯

The return value of the readnext() function contains the following attributes:

  • document_identifier: Contains the identifiers of the query paper.

  • document_info: Provides information about the query paper.

  • features: Individual dataframes that include values for publication_date, citationcount_document, citationcount_author, co_citation_analysis, bibliographic_coupling, cosine_similarity, and feature_weights.

  • ranks: Individual dataframes that list the ranks of individual features.

  • points: Individual dataframes that specify the points of individual features.

  • labels: Individual dataframes that present the arxiv labels for all candidate papers and binary 0/1 labels related to the query paper. These binary labels are useful for 'seen' query papers where the arxiv labels of the query paper is known. For 'unseen' papers this information is not availabels and all binary labels are set to 0.

  • recommendations: Individual dataframes that offer the top paper recommendations. Recommendations are calculated for both Hybrid-Recommender orders (Citation -> Language and Language -> Citation) and both the intermediate candidate lists and the final hybrid recommendations.

Let's first take a look at our new query paper:

> Document 11212020
> ---------------------
> Title: Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate
> Author: Yoshua Bengio
> Publication Date: 2014-09-01
> Arxiv Labels: ['cs.CL', 'cs.LG', 'cs.NE', 'stat.ML']
> Semanticscholar URL: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/fa72afa9b2cbc8f0d7b05d52548906610ffbb9c5
> Arxiv URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.0473

Now we want to get recommendations for which papers we should read next. Here, we choose the recommendations for the Citation -> Language Hybrid-Recommender order.

The output is a dataframe where each row represents a recommendation. The rows are sorted in descending order by the cosine similarity between the query paper and the candidate papers since the re-ranking step is performed by the Language Recommender.

For brevity we limit the output to the top three recommendations:

candidate_d3_document_id cosine_similarity title author publication_date arxiv_labels integer_label semanticscholar_url arxiv_url
7961699 0.959 Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks Ilya Sutskever 2014-09-10 ['cs.CL' 'cs.LG'] 1 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/cea967b59209c6be22829699f05b8b1ac4dc092d https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.3215
5590763 0.9537 Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder–Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation Yoshua Bengio 2014-06-03 ['cs.CL' 'cs.LG' 'cs.NE' 'stat.ML'] 1 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/0b544dfe355a5070b60986319a3f51fb45d1348e https://arxiv.org/abs/1406.1078
1998416 0.9467 Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation Christopher D. Manning 2015-08-17 ['cs.CL'] 1 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/93499a7c7f699b6630a86fad964536f9423bb6d0 https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.04025

Hence, we might read the paper "Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks" by Ilya Sutskever et al. next.

If you are interested in the additional Citation Recommender feature values that were used to generate the candidate list, you can access them via the recommendations.citation_to_language_candidates attribute of the result_seen_query object.

Unseen Query Paper

If the query paper is not part of the training corpus, the inference step takes longer since tokenization, embedding and the computation of co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling and cosine similarity scores has to be performed from scratch.

However, apart from a longer waiting time, the user does not have to care about if the query paper is part of the training corpus or not since the user interface remains the same!

As an example, we fetch recommendations for the "GPT-4 Technical Report" paper by OpenAI. This paper is too recent to be part of the training corpus.

Due to its recency, it might not have been cited that often, so we lower the weight of the co_citation_analysis feature. Further, we increase the publication_date weight and decrease the citationcount_author weight. For the Language Recommender we use the GloVe model to embed the paper abstract.

Note that we only need to specify the weights for the features we want to change from the default value of 1

from readnext import readnext, LanguageModelChoice, FeatureWeights

result_unseen_query = readnext(

The console output informs us that the query paper is not part of the training corpus and provides some progress updates for the ongoing computations:

> ╭──────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
> │                                                      │
> │ Query document is not contained in the training data │
> │                                                      │
> ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯

> Loading training corpus................. ✅ (0.07 seconds)
> Tokenizing query abstract............... ✅ (0.41 seconds)
> Loading pretrained Glove model.......... ✅ (26.38 seconds)
> Embedding query abstract................ ✅ (0.00 seconds)
> Loading pretrained embeddings........... ✅ (0.19 seconds)
> Computing cosine similarities........... ✅ (0.05 seconds)

The time distribution differs between the language models. For GloVe, loading the large pretrained model into memory allocates by far the most time.

Now, we generate the recommendations candidate list with the Language Recommender and re-rank the candidates with the Citation Recommender. Since the second recommender of the hybrid structure is the Citation Recommender, the output is sorted by the weighted points score of the individual features:

candidate_d3_document_id weighted_points title author arxiv_labels integer_label semanticscholar_url arxiv_url publication_date publication_date_points citationcount_document citationcount_document_points citationcount_author citationcount_author_points co_citation_analysis_score co_citation_analysis_points bibliographic_coupling_score bibliographic_coupling_points
247951931 80 PaLM: Scaling Language Modeling with Pathways Noam M. Shazeer ['cs.CL'] 0 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/094ff971d6a8b8ff870946c9b3ce5aa173617bfb https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.02311 2022-04-05 99 145 0 51316 0 72 99 77 96
230435736 14.6 The Pile: An 800GB Dataset of Diverse Text for Language Modeling Jason Phang ['cs.CL'] 0 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/db1afe3b3cd4cd90e41fbba65d3075dd5aebb61e https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.00027 2020-12-31 19 154 0 1303 0 17 86 48 0
227239228 13.3 Pre-Trained Image Processing Transformer W. Gao ['cs.CV' 'cs.LG'] 0 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/43cb4886a8056d5005702edbc51be327542b2124 https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.00364 2020-12-01 5 379 0 13361 0 1 0 52 65

The top recommendation introducing the PaLM language model as a competitor to the GPT family seems quite reasonable.

Note that the integer_label column is not informative for unseen query papers and only kept for consistency. Since no arxiv labels are available for unseen query papers they can not intersect with the arxiv labels of the candidates such that all values of the integer_label column are set to 0.

If you are interested in the cosine similarity values that were used to generate the candidate list, you can access them via the recommendations.language_to_citation_candidates attribute of the result_unseen_query object.

Input Validation

The pydantic library is used for basic input validation. For invalid user inputs the command fails early before any computations are performed with an informative error message.

The following checks are performed:

  • The Semanticscholar ID must be a 40-character hexadecimal string.

  • The Semanticscholar URL must be a valid URL starting with https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/.

  • The Arxiv ID must start with 4 digits followed by a dot followed by 5 more digits (e.g. 1234.56789).

  • The Arxiv URL must be a valid URL starting with https://arxiv.org/abs/.

  • At least one of the four query paper identifiers must be provided.

  • The feature weights must be non-negative numeric values.

For example, the following command fails because we assigned a negative weight to the publication_date feature:

from readnext import readnext, LanguageModelChoice, FeatureWeights

result = readnext(
pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 1 validation error for FeatureWeights
  ensure this value is greater than or equal to 0 (type=value_error.number.not_ge; limit_value=0)


The evaluation strategy and results are described in detail in chapter 4 of the thesis.

The key findings are:

  1. The Bibliographic Coupling feature is the most important feature for the Citation Recommender followed by the Co-Citation Analysis feature. The Paper Citation Count performs worst and is, on average, equally effective as randomly chosen papers from the training corpus.

  2. The SciBERT language model performs best for the Language Recommender followed by TF-IDF and BERT. The Longformer model cannot leverage its strength on long documents and performs worst.

  3. When using only a single recommender, the Language Recommender outperforms the Citation Recommender.

  4. The best hybrid model is the Language -> Citation Hybrid Recommender, i.e. using the Language Recommender first for candidate selection and the Citation Recommender second for re-ranking.

  5. Surprisingly, the best overall model is not a hybrid model, but rather the Language Recommender with the SciBERT language model alone.