cd internal && docker build -t joel1st/internal-server:v1 .
cd api && docker build -t joel1st/api-server:v1 .
docker run -p 9001:9001 joel1st/internal-server:v1
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e INTERNAL_API_HOST=host.docker.internal joel1st/api-server:v1
minikube start
In order for minikube to access the locally built images, we need to make it aware of them:
minikube image load joel1st/internal-server:v1
minikube image load joel1st/api-server:v1
cd base && kubectl apply -f api-deployment.yaml
cd base && kubectl apply -f api-service.yaml
cd base && kubectl apply -f internal-deployment.yaml
cd base && kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml
Because an external service isn't automatically exposed on non linux environments, we need to explicitly open it:
minikube service api-service --url
This will provide a url we can access.
Because ingress isn't automatically enabled and exposed on non linux environments, we need to explicitly do it:
minikube addons enable ingress && minikube tunnel
This will provide a url we can access.