
Dotfiles for my macos setup

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

joelazar’s dotfiles


joedotfiles - wallpaper

Neovim with my custom config

joedotfiles - neovim

Eza + FZF

joedotfiles - eza+fzf


joedotfiles - lazygit

Firefox + Vimium

joedotfiles - firefox + vimium

nnn + preview-tui

joedotfiles - nnn+preview


This is the dotfiles setup which I use for my MacOS.

Let me try to briefly list the installed and configured packages:

Most of my apps are configured to use colors of catppuccin mocha.


These dotfiles are managed with chezmoi.

Install them with:

chezmoi init https://github.com/joelazar/dotfiles.git

chezmoi apply


Some utils functions which I'm using for the initial setup and later for my update script was taken from alrra's dotfiles repo, and I'm truly grateful for it.

My wallpapers are from catpuccin-wallpapers repo.


The code is available under the MIT license.