var me = joelazar{
pronouns: []string{"He", "Him"},
code: []string{"Go", "Python", "TypeScript", "JavaScript", "C++", "C", "SQL", "Bash", "Lua", "Java", "Matlab"},
askMeAbout: []string{"tech", "webdev", "devops", "linux", "networking", "ai"},
technologies: technologies{
backEnd: map[string]interface{}{
"go": []string{"fiber", "chi", "gorm", "goquery", "colly"},
"python": []string{"flask", "fastapi", "sqlalchemy"},
"js/ts": []string{"node", "express", "prisma"},
frontEnd: map[string]interface{}{
"js/ts": []string{"remix", "react", "tailwind"},
devOps: []string{"k8s", "docker", "GCP", "azure", "nginx", "GitlabCI", "CircleCI", "Github Actions"},
databases: []string{"PostgreSQL", "redis", "mongodb", "etcd", "sqlite"},
ai: []string{"tensorflow", "keras", "numpy"},
linux: []string{"arch", "fedora", "debian", "rhel"},
misc: []string{"git", "ZeroMQ", "LaTeX", "Neovim"},
favouriteVideos: map[string]string{
"Hamming - You and Your Research": "",
"Asahi Linux - One chip, no docs, and lots of fun": "",
"Dave Thomas - Agile is Dead": "",
"Edward Frenkel - Reality is a Paradox": ""
favouriteSudoInsult: "[sudo] password for joelazar: You can't come in. Our tiger has got flu",