
My implementation of a block chain with a simple "starting n zero characters" SHA256 based proof of work algorithm.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Block Chain

My implementation of a block chain with a simple "n leading zeros" SHA256 based proof of work algorithm. The Proof of work algorithm can also be customized in the constructor


  1. $ rake console

  2.   c = Chain.new # creates a new chain
      c.add_block('any_data') # adds a new block
      # A Chain instance is an enumerable so enumerable methods work
      c.map { |block| block.data }
      # Custom proof proof work algorithms can be implemented
      c2 = Chain.new do |block_to_be_mined|
      # Each block has accessor methods
     attr_accessor :index, :data, :nonce, :previous_hash, :timestamp

Story so far...

  1. Create a model for how the block and chain looks

Coming up...

  1. Actual Decentralization through P2P Gossip protocol
  2. Adding Byzantine fault tolerance

Much later...Using the block chain we built above

  1. Define a simple monetary policy for the block chain
  2. Identity through a unique address.
  3. Start supporting transactions through the network
  4. Authenticity through public-private keys
  5. Mining rewards in the form of tokens/coins
  6. Merkle proofs and lightweight nodes for scalability!