Exercise programs on gstreamer
2017/09/06 init
01: basic tutorial 1: Hello world 2017/09/06 02: basic tutorial 2: GStreamer concepts 2017/09/07 021: basic tutorial 2: GStreamer concepts exercise 2017/09/07 03: Dynamic pipeline 2017/09/08 04: time management 2017/09/10 05: basic tutorial 5 gui toolkit integration 2017/09/12 06: basic tutorial 6 media formats and pad compabilities, 2017/09/19 07: basic tutorial 7 multithreading and pad availability 08: basic tutorial 8 short-cutting the pipeline 09: basic tutorial 9 gather media information
$ sudo apt-get install libgstreamer1.0-dev \
libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev \
$ gstreamer1.0-plugins-base \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-doc gstreamer1.0-tools
$ sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev
gir1.2-clutter-gst-3.0 - Gobject introspection data for Clutter GStreamer elements gir1.2-coglgst-2.0 - GObject introspection data for the CoglGst 2.0 library gnome-video-effects - Collection of GStreamer effects gnome-video-effects-dev - Development files for gnome-video-effects gstreamer1.0-alsa - GStreamer plugin for ALSA gstreamer1.0-clutter-3.0 - Clutter PLugin for GStreamer 1.0 gstreamer1.0-doc - GStreamer core documentation and manuals gstreamer1.0-plugins-base - GStreamer plugins from the "base" set gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-apps - GStreamer helper programs from the "base" set gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-dbg - GStreamer plugins from the "base" set gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-doc - GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "base" set gstreamer1.0-plugins-good - GStreamer plugins from the "good" set gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-dbg - GStreamer plugins from the "good" set gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-doc - GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "good" set gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio - GStreamer plugin for PulseAudio gstreamer1.0-tools - Tools for use with GStreamer gstreamer1.0-x - GStreamer plugins for X11 and Pango libcanberra-gstreamer - GStreamer backend for libcanberra libcanberra-gstreamer-dbg - GStreamer libcanberra backend detached debugging symbols libclutter-gst-3.0-0 - Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements libclutter-gst-3.0-dev - Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements (development files) libclutter-gst-3.0-doc - Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements (documentation) libcogl-gst20 - Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0 - GStreamer libraries from the "base" set libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "base" set libgstreamer-plugins-good1.0-0 - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "good" set libgstreamer-plugins-good1.0-dev - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "good" set libgstreamer1.0-0 - Core GStreamer libraries and elements libgstreamer1.0-0-dbg - Core GStreamer libraries and elements libgstreamer1.0-dev - GStreamer core development files libqgsttools-p1 - GStreamer tools for Qt 5 Multimedia module libqt5multimedia5-plugins - Qt 5 Multimedia module plugins libreoffice-avmedia-backend-gstreamer - GStreamer backend for LibreOffice pulseaudio - PulseAudio sound server sessioninstaller - APT based installer using PackageKit's session DBus API totem - Simple media player for the GNOME desktop based on GStreamer brasero - CD/DVD burning application for GNOME fso-deviced-player-gstreamer - GStreamer player module for fso-deviced gambas3-gb-media - Gambas media component ges1.0-tools - Tools for use with the GStreamer editing services gir1.2-clutter-gst-2.0 - Gobject introspection data for Clutter GStreamer elements gir1.2-ges-1.0 - GObject introspection data for the GES library gir1.2-gst-plugins-bad-1.0 - GObject introspection data for the GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set gir1.2-gst-plugins-base-0.10 - Description: GObject introspection data for the GStreamer Plugins Base library gir1.2-gst-rtsp-server-1.0 - GObject introspection data for the GStreamer RTSP Server gir1.2-gstreamer-0.10 - Description: GObject introspection data for the GStreamer library gnome-sushi - sushi is a quick previewer for nautilus gnome-video-effects-extra - GNOME Video Effects - extra plugins gnome-video-effects-frei0r - GNOME Video Effects - frei0r plugins goobox - CD player and ripper with GNOME 3 integration gst123 - GStreamer based command line media player gstreamer-qapt - GStreamer plugin to install codecs using QApt gstreamer-tools - Tools for use with GStreamer gstreamer0.10-alsa - GStreamer plugin for ALSA gstreamer0.10-doc - GStreamer core documentation and manuals gstreamer0.10-gconf - GStreamer plugin for getting the sink/source information from GConf gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs - GStreamer plugin for GnomeVFS gstreamer0.10-nice - ICE library (GStreamer 0.10 plugin) gstreamer0.10-plugins-base - GStreamer plugins from the "base" set gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps - GStreamer helper programs from the "base" set gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-dbg - GStreamer plugins from the "base" set gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-doc - GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "base" set gstreamer0.10-plugins-good - GStreamer plugins from the "good" set gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-dbg - GStreamer plugins from the "good" set gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-doc - GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "good" set gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio - GStreamer plugin for PulseAudio gstreamer0.10-qapt - transitional dummy package gstreamer0.10-tools - Tools for use with GStreamer gstreamer0.10-x - GStreamer plugins for X11 and Pango gstreamer1.0-clutter - Clutter PLugin for GStreamer 1.0 gstreamer1.0-crystalhd - Crystal HD Video Decoder (GStreamer plugin) gstreamer1.0-dvswitch - GStreamer plugin source from DVswitch gstreamer1.0-espeak - GStreamer plugin for eSpeak speech synthesis gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3 - Fluendo mp3 decoder GStreamer 1.0 plugin gstreamer1.0-libav - libav plugin for GStreamer gstreamer1.0-libav-dbg - libav plugin for GStreamer (debug symbols) gstreamer1.0-nice - ICE library (GStreamer plugin) gstreamer1.0-packagekit - GStreamer plugin to install codecs using PackageKit gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad - GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dbg - GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set (debug symbols) gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-doc - GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "bad" set gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-faad - GStreamer faad plugin from the "bad" set gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-videoparsers - GStreamer videoparsers plugin from the "bad" set gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly - GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-amr - GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-dbg - GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set (debug symbols) gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-doc - GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "ugly" set gstreamer1.0-pocketsphinx - Speech recognition tool - gstreamer plugin gstreamer1.0-vaapi - VA-API plugins for GStreamer gstreamer1.0-vaapi-doc - GStreamer VA-API documentation and manuals libclutter-gst-2.0-0 - Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements libclutter-gst-2.0-dbg - Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements (debug files) libclutter-gst-2.0-dev - Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements (development files) libclutter-gst-2.0-doc - Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements (documentation) libges-1.0-0 - GStreamer editing services (shared library) libges-1.0-0-dbg - GStreamer editing services (debug symbols) libges-1.0-dev - GStreamer editing services (development files) libges-1.0-doc - GStreamer editing services (documentation) libgstreamer-ocaml - OCaml interface to the gstreamer library -- runtime files libgstreamer-ocaml-dev - OCaml interface to the gstreamer library -- development files libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0 - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "bad" set libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "bad" set libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0 - GStreamer libraries from the "base" set libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "base" set libgstreamer0.10-0 - Core GStreamer libraries and elements libgstreamer0.10-0-dbg - Core GStreamer libraries and elements libgstreamer0.10-dev - GStreamer core development files libgstreamermm-1.0-0v5 - C++ wrapper library for GStreamer (shared libraries) libgstreamermm-1.0-dev - C++ wrapper library for GStreamer (development files) libgstreamermm-1.0-doc - C++ wrapper library for GStreamer (documentation) libgstrtspserver-1.0-0 - GStreamer RTSP Server (shared library) libgstrtspserver-1.0-0-dbg - GStreamer RTSP Server (debug symbols) libgstrtspserver-1.0-dev - GStreamer RTSP Server (development files) libgstrtspserver-1.0-doc - GStreamer RTSP Server (documentation) libnice-dbg - ICE library (debugging symbols) libnice-dev - ICE library (development files) libnice-doc - ICE library (documentation) libnice10 - ICE library (shared library) libqt5glib-2.0-0 - C++ bindings library for GLib and GObject with a Qt-style API - Qt 5 build libqt5gstreamer-1.0-0 - C++ bindings library for GStreamer with a Qt-style API - Qt 5 build libqt5gstreamer-dev - Development headers for QtGStreamer - Qt 5 build libqt5gstreamerquick-1.0-0 - QtGStreamerQuick library - Qt 5 build libqt5gstreamerui-1.0-0 - QtGStreamerUi library - Qt 5 build libqt5gstreamerutils-1.0-0 - QtGStreamerUtils library - Qt 5 build libqtglib-2.0-0 - C++ bindings library for GLib and GObject with a Qt-style API libqtgstreamer-1.0-0 - C++ bindings library for GStreamer with a Qt-style API libqtgstreamer-dev - Development headers for QtGStreamer libqtgstreamerui-1.0-0 - QtGStreamerUi library libqtgstreamerutils-1.0-0 - QtGStreamerUtils library libreoffice - office productivity suite (metapackage) librygel-renderer-gst-2.6-2 - GNOME UPnP/DLNA services - renderer library libtelepathy-qt4-farstream2 - Telepathy/Farsight integration - Qt 4 library libtelepathy-qt5-farstream0 - Telepathy/Farsight integration - Qt 5 library liquidsoap-plugin-gstreamer - audio streaming language -- GStreamer plugin lua-lgi - Lua bridge to GObject based libraries lua-lgi-dbg - Lua bridge to GObject based libraries parole - media player based on GStreamer framework parole-dev - development files for Parole media player phonon-backend-gstreamer - Phonon GStreamer 1.0 backend phonon-backend-gstreamer-common - Phonon GStreamer 1.0.x backend icons phonon-backend-gstreamer-dbg - debugging symbols for the Phonon GStreamer 1.0 backend phonon4qt5-backend-gstreamer - Phonon Qt5 GStreamer 1.0 backend phonon4qt5-backend-gstreamer-dbg - debugging symbols for the Phonon Qt5 GStreamer 1.0 backend pitivi - non-linear audio/video editor using GStreamer playitslowly - Plays back audio files at a different speed or pitch python-audioread - Backend-agnostic audio decoding Python package python-gst-1.0 - GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python python-gst-1.0-dbg - GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python (debug extensions) python-gst0.10 - generic media-playing framework (Python bindings) python-gst0.10-dbg - generic media-playing framework (Python debug bindings) python-gst0.10-dev - generic media-playing framework (Python bindings) python3-gst-1.0 - GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python (Python 3) python3-gst-1.0-dbg - GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python (Python 3, debug extensions) qml-module-qtgstreamer - QML plugins from QtGStreamer - Qt 5 build qt5gstreamer-dbg - Debug symbols for QtGStreamer - Qt 5 build qtgstreamer-dbg - Debug symbols for QtGStreamer qtgstreamer-declarative - QML plugins from QtGStreamer qtgstreamer-doc - QtGStreamer API documentation qtgstreamer-plugins - GStreamer plugins from QtGStreamer qtgstreamer-plugins-qt5 - GStreamer plugins from QtGStreamer - Qt 5 build roarplaylistd-codechelper-gst - roarplaylistd helper script for GStreamer codecs ruby-clutter-gstreamer - Clutter-GStreamer bindings for the Ruby language ruby-gstreamer - GStreamer bindings for the Ruby language ruby-gstreamer-dbg - GStreamer bindings for the Ruby language (debugging symbols) rygel - GNOME UPnP/DLNA services rygel-gst-launch - GNOME UPnP/DLNA services - gst-launch plugin rygel-playbin - GNOME UPnP/DLNA services - GStreamer Media Renderer plugin snappy - Powerful media player with a minimalistic interface sound-juicer - GNOME CD Ripper soundconverter - GNOME application to convert audio files into other formats subtitlecomposer - Subtitles editor for KDE subtitleeditor - Graphical subtitle editor with sound waves representation tap-plugins - Tom's Audio Processing LADSPA plugins tap-plugins-doc - TAP-plugins documentation transmageddon - video transcoder for Linux and Unix systems built using GStreamer vim-syntax-gtk - Syntax files to highlight GTK+ keywords in vim vlevel - Levelling audio filter as command-line tool and LADSPA/JACK plugin volti - control audio volume from system tray/notification area gstreamer1.0-hybris - GStreamer plugins from hybris kubuntu-restricted-extras - Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Kubuntu ubuntu-restricted-extras - Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Ubuntu xubuntu-restricted-extras - Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Xubuntu gir1.2-gst-plugins-base-1.0 - GObject introspection data for the GStreamer Plugins Base library gir1.2-gstreamer-1.0 - GObject introspection data for the GStreamer library libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0 - GStreamer libraries from the "base" set libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "base" set libgstreamer-plugins-good1.0-0 - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "good" set libgstreamer-plugins-good1.0-dev - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "good" set libgstreamer1.0-0 - Core GStreamer libraries and elements libgstreamer1.0-0-dbg - Core GStreamer libraries and elements libgstreamer1.0-dev - GStreamer core development files libgstreamer-ocaml - OCaml interface to the gstreamer library -- runtime files libgstreamer-ocaml-dev - OCaml interface to the gstreamer library -- development files libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0 - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "bad" set libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "bad" set libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0 - GStreamer libraries from the "base" set libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "base" set libgstreamer0.10-0 - Core GStreamer libraries and elements libgstreamer0.10-0-dbg - Core GStreamer libraries and elements libgstreamer0.10-dev - GStreamer core development files libgstreamermm-1.0-0v5 - C++ wrapper library for GStreamer (shared libraries) libgstreamermm-1.0-dev - C++ wrapper library for GStreamer (development files) libgstreamermm-1.0-doc - C++ wrapper library for GStreamer (documentation)