
Ros node for iRobot Create 2

Primary LanguageC++


Ros node for iRobot Create 2.



Just clone the repository in the src folder of a catkin workspace. Then run catkin_make.

To generate the model you have to launch in the model folder the dedicated script:

source generate_model.sh

To simulate the robot in Gazebo you first have to add this lines to your bashrc:

source /usr/share/gazebo/setup.sh
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:$(rospack find irobotcreate2)
export GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH=$GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH:$(rospack find irobotcreate2)


rosrun irobotcreate2 irobotcreate2

to run the basic software and have access to the following topics:

  • /battery
  • /bumper
  • /buttons
  • /cliff
  • /cmd_vel
  • /digit_leds
  • /ir_bumper
  • /ir_character
  • /leds
  • /mode
  • /odom
  • /play_song
  • /rosout
  • /rosout_agg
  • /song
  • /tf
  • /wheel_drop

you can read sensors (/battery, /buttons, /bumper, ...) and send commands (/cmd_vel, ...).

roslaunch irobotcreate2 irobot_joy.launch

to run both the basic software and ros joy to move the robot with a controller.